Nevada lawmakers have introduced a proposal that would enshrine in-vitro fertilization (IVF) as a constitutional ‘right’ in the state.
Per News 3, Senate Bill 217 would “establish a statutory right to IVF treatment under state law, enhance protections for fertility treatment providers, and broaden coverage requirements for infertility diagnosis and treatment.”
“IVF can make successful pregnancies a reality for families who might otherwise be unable to have a baby, and it deserves strong legal protections,” Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro said. “Congress hasn’t done nearly enough to protect IVF or a woman’s right to make decisions about infertility treatments. Nevada will stand up for people affected by infertility and their rights to access the medical treatments they may need to start a thriving family.”
The bill also attempts to redefine what a human being is, saying, “Any fertilized human egg or human embryo that exists in any form before implantation in the uterus of a human body is not an unborn child, a minor child, a person, a natural person or any other term that connotes a human being for any purpose under the law or regulations of this State or any political subdivision thereof” (emphasis added). This, of course, treats a certain class of the human species as something less than human, with no rights at all. It’s a contradictory statement in its entirety.
READ: Trump signs executive order ‘to expand access’ to IVF
This is a blatant attempt to disregard what scientific journals, textbooks, and professionals have agreed upon for centuries — the moment when a new, distinct human organism begins to exist is fertilization, not implantation.
As a practice, IVF results in the widescale destruction of human life — an inconvenient truth likely driving the attempt to redefine when life begins. But the truth isn’t dependent on a popular vote — and the truth is that at its core, new human lives are destroyed during the IVF process.
Dr. Lauren Rubal, a board-certified OB/GYN and integrative medicine physician with a subspecialty in reproductive endocrinology and infertility, emphasized this in a recent Live Action video.
“An embryo is a human being,” Dr. Rubal said. And that new human life is immediately in jeopardy, as doctors will then do one of three things: transfer it to the uterus, freeze and store it, or destroy it.”
“This is the fundamental ethical issue of IVF,” said Dr. Rubal, “the destruction or abandonment of human life.”
“By the numbers, the IVF industry violates the lives of children more often than the abortion industry does,” Katy Faust, founder of Them Before Us, told Live Action News in a previous interview. “If you love babies, you are going to oppose these reproductive technologies because the core technology that’s at the root of most of these processes, IVF, destroys more embryonic life than abortion does every year.”
While the desire to form a family and welcome new life is undeniably a good one, IVF is not an ethical way to achieve that goal. Despite what lawmakers say, no one has a ‘right’ to engage in a process that results in the destruction of innocent human life.