Tyndale House Publishers recently released a book being marketed as “the most technologically advanced pregnancy book in the history of the world.” In addition to advice from obstetricians and the latest findings from neonatal studies, The Wonder Within You by Carey Wickersham includes smart phone scan codes which enable expecting mothers to view beautiful video clips of preborn children at each week of pregnancy. All of these clips have been uploaded to YouTube, where they are freely available to the public.
First Trimester: Week 3, Week 4, Week 5,Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10, Week 11, and Week 12 (which is shown below):
Second Trimester: Week 13, Week 14, Week 15, Week 16, Week 17, Week 18, Week 19, Week 20, Week 21, Week 22, Week 23, Week 24, Week 25, Week 26, Week 27, and Week 28 (shown below):
Third Trimester: Week 29, Week 30, Week 31, Week 32, Week 33, Week 34, Week 35, Week 36, Week 37, Week 38, Week 39, Week 40, Week 41 (week 40 shown below):