According to a new pro-abortion group called Reproaction, women cannot be equal to men unless they have the right to abort their children. But how is this equality possible if men don’t have this same supposed right to abort or to choose life for their children?

Erin Matson (via
According to their website (which is set to launch on August 19), Reproaction, a group formed by Erin Matson (pictured top right; an “organizer and writer”) and Pamela Merritt (pictured bottom right; an “activist and writer”), says they celebrate abortion as “a great thing” and believe that denying abortion to women is “an insult and unacceptable.”
The group says “the current state of abortion access – the closed clinics, financial barriers, insulting hurdles, baseless religious exemptions, and terrorism against providers – is a degrading, man-made humanitarian crisis.”
Not being allowed to end the life of your own defenseless child is a degrading, man-made humanitarian crisis?

Pamela Merritt (via
Dear Reproaction, I think you’re a bit confused about what qualifies as a humanitarian crisis.
The people in abortion clinics are literally ripping babies apart one limb at a time. They are literally disposing of viable preborn babies in medical waste bins. And they are literally suffocating babies that survive the abortion attempt.
If there was ever a degrading way to die, it’s abortion.
If there was ever a man-made humanitarian crisis, it’s abortion.
Where is the equality in abortion? It further divides women from men, and it divides human from human.
The preborn child has no equal rights at all, despite the fact that we can agree that, scientifically, the preborn child is a human being (not a piece of tissue). Now that even Planned Parenthood can’t deny that preborn babies are human beings, the only thing that stands in the way of preborn humans retaining their right to life is people like Matson and Merritt, who believe that preborn humans are simply human beings unworthy of the right to life mentioned in the Constitution.
Humans unworthy of life… where have we heard that before?
But while we know abortion does not consider the equality of the preborn child, it does not grant women equality, either. Abortion doesn’t make women equal to men. It is another way society holds women back. Nearly every reason a woman gives for having an abortion comes back to one thing: she feels she isn’t good enough.
Women are killing their own children at a rate of nearly 3,000 a day. And it’s not because women are liberated. It’s not because they are equal. It’s because society tells women that they aren’t enough. You can’t be a mom and get a degree – abort. You can’t be a single mom and raise a child without a man – abort. You can’t keep a good job and be a mom – abort. You can’t raise a child with special needs – abort. You can’t. You can’t. You can’t. You are not good enough. You are not smart enough. You are not financially stable enough. You are too young.
For women who fall victim to this mentality, abortion isn’t a choice, it’s the only choice. And that’s no choice at all.
Do men ever say:
“I can’t get a degree and be a father”?
“I can’t become partner at my law firm if I have a baby”?
“I can’t reach my goals if I have a child”?
No, because women are still seen as the only people responsible for childrearing. Women are still seen as too weak to have children and careers. Women are still seen as less than men. And abortion is just another example of that. Abortion exemplifies sexism against women.
And for liberal feminists to overlook that is dumbfounding.
In their attempts to break through the glass ceiling, women have sacrificed their own flesh and blood. They have become so obsessed with being seen as equal that women actually view abortion as a gift instead of what it really is: their undoing.
And Reproaction is just another misguided pro-abortion group of women helping to bring women down.