Through the Freedom of Information Act, Virginia’s Family Foundation was able to access reports made on abortion clinics throughout the state of Virginia. Family Foundation’s press release paints a grim story:
According to Commissioner Karen Remley’s report to the Board of Health at the June 2012 meeting, nine of 20 abortion centers applying for licensing had been inspected by the Department of Health. According to the Commissioner of Health, none had been ‘deficiency free.’
Some key findings:
- The nine centers inspected had received 80 citations
- 18 citations for personnel issues, including no background checks, no ongoing plans for staff training, no maintenance of personnel files, no policy requiring staff to be CPR trained, no policies setting experience and training required to practice
- 13 citations for infections prevention issues, including seven clinics with no clear division between clean and dirty utility areas, four centers where personnel weren’t using personal protective equipment and a host of record keeping issues
- 10 citations regarding the administration, storage and dispensing of drugs including four with expired drugs in stock, and others with improper labeling of drugs, no medication dispensing policy
- 10 maintenance of equipment citations including equipment not in good repair, no preventative maintenance plan
- Six citations for local and state building code violations
Not one was deficiency-free? Eighty citations shared among only nine clinics? This is a problem, folks, and a horrendous one at that. If an abortion clinic is truly a medical facility, it has absolutely no excuse for dirty areas, a lack of personal protective equipment, a failure to background-check employees or require CPR training, and expired drugs on the shelf. But these findings don’t even begin to paint the picture.
LifeSiteNews reported on the entire Virginia investigation and related that the details concerned a Planned Parenthood clinic in Virginia Beach (Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Virginia):
…[T]he inspector’s report states, ‘Employee #4 was asked how she could tell which of the containers (used to transport/clean instruments) were dirty or clean. Employee #4 stated, “I can’t. I guess we need to have a different color to put the instruments in once they are clean.”‘
If that’s not creepy enough, the report on the Tidewater Women’s Health Clinic in Norfolk is reminiscent of Kermit Gosnell’s “house of horrors” discovered in Pennsylvania not long ago. The report describes, in eerie detail, the insides of a freezer in this abortion clinic:
The freezer which is used to store the collected conception material, had blood and un-bagged conception material frozen to the inner bottom surface. An observation was conducted of the freezer kept in the clean utility room. Staff #3 reported after inspection of the conception material, it was poured into plastic storage bags and the bags are stored in the freezer until the next weekly medical waste pick up. The observation revealed that some of the plastic bags were open and had spilled their contents onto the bottom of the freezer. Approximately three-fourths of the freezer’s bottom and shelf was covered with frozen blood and conception material.
The frozen blood of aborted babies and their remains are allowed to spill all over the freezer’s bottom, coating it in evidence of the free-for-all killing of the innocent that takes place at this disturbing clinic. For some people, the acceptance of abortion has become so engrained in their minds that they feel no need to clean up the spilled blood. It’s just part of the job, apparently.
However, as Victoria Cobb, president of The Family Foundation, states, the abortion industry simply cannot be trusted with anything any longer. Their greed for profit and willingness to kill any baby for any reason has driven them to put even the lives of women – those they claim to care about – at risk. Dirty instruments and the misuse of medications can easily kill women.
As Cobb succinctly puts it:
Perhaps the most frightening aspect of these reports isn’t the blatant disregard for basic health standards, but the fact that even with notice of inspection the operators of these facilities thought they were safe for women. Apparently, if the abortion centers just scrub off the blood they can keep on operating. …
The same abortion industry representatives who claim that their centers are safe and healthy want the Board of Health to weaken the safety standards that were recommended by the Department of Health. … The conditions found in these reports existed as the very representatives of the industry that own and operate abortion centers were testifying to the Board that their facilities are safe. With such disregard for the truth, for the well-being of women, how can its claims of safety be trusted? No longer can the abortion industry claim that it puts women’s health ahead of its profits.