Vermont Right to Life Committee Treasurer Sharon Toborg emailed a warning to pro-life Vermonters this week asking them to be careful of who they trust on the telephone. It seems that someone has been calling pro-lifers in the state claiming to be from “the Pro-Life Committee” or the “National Pro-Life Committee”.
The caller is asking for donations by telephone to help the pro-life movement, however, it is definitely not a call from the Vermont Right to Life Committee (VRLC) or the National Right to Life Committee, which the VRLC is affiliated with.
Toborg says VRLC has not solicited funds by telephone for years and that these calls are a scam from a fake group. She advises anyone who has pledged money to this fake group to not follow through on it. Anyone who receives such a call should contact their local police department. Toborg also advises anyone who received a letter or pledge form as a result of this phone scam to send a copy to the VRLC office at PO BOX 1079, Montpelier, VT 05601 so they can further investigate.
Pro-lifers in other states should also be wary of anyone calling for solicitations. If it seems like a scam and you are unable to verify who the caller is, do not pledge any money.
The safest way to donate to pro-life organizations is either by speaking directly to the pro-life organization itself, or donating directly, through a secure form provided, on their official website.