After exposing Planned Parenthood’s willingness to cover up the statutory rape and sexual abuse of young girls with The Mona Lisa Project, and the continuation of Margaret Sanger’s legacy of racism and eugenics, Live Action launched a new undercover investigation: The Rosa Acuna Project. It is named for Rosa Acuna.
Rosa Acuna was examined by her physician, had an ultrasound, and was told she was 6-8 weeks pregnant. When she asked if it was a “baby in there,” she was told,“don’t be stupid, it’s only blood.” Following an abortion, Rosa experienced bleeding and was admitted to a hospital. When she asked a nurse what had happened, she was told that “the doctor left parts of the baby inside of you.” At this point, Rosa realized it was a baby. Subsequently, her mental health deteriorated, and she was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Rosa filed a lawsuit, and both the district and appellate courts agreed that she should have been fully informed, including being told that she was carrying a human being. However, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that the abortionist was under no obligation to give her the information she had asked about – that she was carrying a baby! Citing the 35-year-old Roe v. Wade ruling, the court reasoned that the abortionist is not compelled to provide this information because there are “different scientific, moral, or philosophical viewpoint on the issue of when life begins.”
Live Action launched a multi-state undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood to find that counselors typically use misleading, manipulative, and exploitative information to convince women to get abortions. There have been two videos already released, which were filmed at Planned Parenthoods in Appleton and Milwaukee Wisconsin, and now, Live Action has released a third from a clinic in Indianapolis, Indiana.
When the woman, purportedly 10-weeks pregnant, asks the clinician, named “Sarah,” when her baby’s heart begins to beat, Sarah replies, “It’s around I think the 8th or the 9th week that you can hear the heartbeat.” The heart actually begins beating 3 weeks and 1 day after conception, according to Moore and Persaud’s well-known textbook The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology. The Planned Parenthood clinician also insists, “It’s not a baby, it’s a fetus,” which, she claims, is “not like a person.”
In the video, Sarah assures the woman that “having an abortion is safer than carrying to term.” The woman asks, “The abortion won’t hurt me from having more kids in the future, will it?” and the counselor replies, “Nope.” But a 2009 study from the Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey recently found that a previous abortion increased a woman’s risk of pre-term birth by 20%, and a 2003 report from the Shanghai Institute of Planned Parenthood Research notes a 55% increased risk of future miscarriages for women who have abortions.
Lila Rose, UCLA student and president of Live Action, says the new footage places Planned Parenthood well outside the medical mainstream. “Planned Parenthood’s counseling is based on its abortion-first mentality rather than the medical facts that women need,” observes Rose. “Planned Parenthood gives vulnerable women misinformation to sell them the abortion.” Indiana informed consent state law requires that women receive accurate medical information before undergoing an abortion.
As Lila said, this is entirely about selling abortions. Abortion is a lucrative business. What we see from Live Action’s undercover videos time and time again is that the “counselors” never offer an alternative to these women. They’re confused, they’re scared, they’re vulnerable, and Planned Parenthood takes advantage of them by lying to them with manipulative and inaccurate information. Why? To make money. Planned Parenthood doesn’t get any money if the woman decides to keep the baby or give it up for adoption. In 2007, Planned Parenthood performed 305,310 abortions… and only referred 4,912 adoptions.
It’s all about the money for them. These “counselors” aren’t there to help women during a time of crisis. They’re salespeople, out to make a sale. Planned Parenthood makes millions of dollars off of abortions, on top of the millions of taxpayer funding they already receive, and why would they want to give that up?
This is why pro-life advocates push for mandatory ultrasounds. Women seeking abortions deserve to know the truth, and instead, they’re lied to and manipulated. These Planned Parenthood counselors have goods to sell, after all, and the murders of unborn children must happen no matter what. If women know the truth, they’re not as likely to have the abortion. Lying to women doesn’t matter as long as abortions are being performed — and the femisogynists go right along with it. As I said before,
Meanwhile, feminists (who ardently defend Planned Parenthood and their abortion mill) have been silent about Lila Rose and all that she’s uncovered. Jessica Valenti, for example, seems to have no problem with covering up the sexual abuse of minors, as long as it leads to abortion, the sacred cow of feminism. Planned Parenthood must be defended and the taxpayer funding cannot be revoked. To feminists, “the right to choose” is more important than anything unethical or immoral that an abortionist may do. It can cover all manner of ills.
They self-righteously huff that women know enough to make their own choice, but if they’re lied to and uninformed, how can they really make a choice? If abortion advocates were truly pro-choice, then they’d be outraged over these lies and manipulative tactics. But they aren’t pro-choice, they’re pro-abortion, and abortion clinics like Planned Parenthood are selling the murders of unborn children at any cost.
Forward this story on. These undercover videos will keep coming from Live Action — and how many of them need to be released before people wake up to the evil of Planned Parenthood?