A video released this morning by The Center for Medical Progress features a full-length interview with Dr. Amna Dermish of Planned Parenthood Greater Texas, who notes how she can alter the abortion procedure in order to better harvest intact organs from aborted children.
Dermish, who was trained by Dr. Deborah Nucatola, the abortionist in the first undercover video who discussed how to “crush” preborn children, admits she can manipulate the child in order to obtain more intact heads and body parts. Altering the abortion procedure is illegal under federal law.
“My aim is to get the specimens out pretty intact,” Dermish said.
The abortionist describes on tape using ultrasound guidance to convert the child to breech presentation in order to extract the baby up to the head. The Center for Medical Progress is accusing Planned Parenthood of committing illegal partial-birth abortion procedures.
Dermish also explains how she strives to keep the torso of the baby intact by grabbing the spine of the child during the abortion procedure in order to pull the child out “in alignment.”
Abortionist: “I always try to and keep the trunk intact, just by function. I always try to aim for a spine to bring it down.”
Buyer: “Oh, interesting. So that’s what you can grasp.”
Abortionist: “Right, exactly. So you keep it all in alignment…”
When asked about the intactness of children aborted at 20 weeks, Dermish noted that most of the babies came out “trunk intact.” She adds how the Planned Parenthood employee who reassembles the parts of the preborn child after an abortion always looks for the baby’s tiny heart, kidney, and other organs, to which another abortionist chimes in: “It’s cute.”
Abortionist:“One of our POC persons is really into organ development.”
Buyer: “Oh, really?”
Abortionist: “Yeah, she will pull out kidneys and heart, and the heart we frequently see at nine weeks and she always looks for it.”
Buyer: “Just like for fun?”
WWH abortionist: “Well, it’s cute. It’s cute.”
Abortionist: “It’s amazing. It’s like— I have so much respect for development— it’s just incredible.”
While Dermish admits it is difficult to “go around” the calvarium (the head of the child) in the late-term, she says can switch to breech presentation. In the tape, Dermish jokes about harvesting the intact brains of aborted babies as a challenge she can “strive for.”
Buyer: “If there’s a request for fetal brain, they’re always wanting both hemispheres.”
Abortionist: “Um, I haven’t been able to do that yet—”
Buyer: “Oh, to get the calvarium?”
Abortionist: “Intact.”
Buyer: “Maybe next time.”
Abortionist: “I know, right? Well, this will give me something to strive for!” [laughing]
David Daleiden, project lead with The Center for Medical Progress, condemned the crass statements of Dr. Dermish and Planned Parenthood executives, who have been caught on tape discussing how they profit from the trade.
“Planned Parenthood’s crimes are not just the result of local bad actors, but are tolerated and even encouraged at the highest levels of the national organization,” Daleiden said. “State-level criminal investigations must press charges, and Congress’ new select committee must pursue a deep and comprehensive accounting of Planned Parenthood’s atrocities against humanity.”
A never-before-seen sample of the footage was released by Daleiden during an interview with Live Action President Lila Rose on TheBlaze TV.
I interviewed my friend, David Daleiden, about his important work exposing Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts trade on the Glenn Beck Program. David urged Congress to hold Planned Parenthood accountable and to demand the full truth. He also released never-before-seen footage showing a Planned Parenthood abortionist callously discussing how to obtain an intact brain from aborted babies.
Posted by Lila Rose on Monday, October 5, 2015
In the 11 videos that have been released by The Center for Medical Progress, top-level Planned Parenthood executives admit to procuring organs from aborted babies, profiting from the sale of baby parts, and manipulating the abortion procedure.