The Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) and the Family Research Council (FRC) have jointly unveiled a new website that will help many families and individuals find abortion-free insurance plans through Obamacare this season. The website features an interactive map and clearly-delineated information about which plans do and do not provide elective abortion coverage. The site is a breath of fresh air to the Americans who have been angered by the Administration’s ongoing refusal to provide transparency about the Obamacare-abortion link.
This information comes on the heels of an explosive revelation by a government watchdog group that the Obama Administration blatantly lied about its abortion coverage, uncovering that over one thousand individual state insurance exchanges were in fact providing abortion on-demand. The group, the Government Accountability Office, released a tell-all, 22-page report detailing the obfuscations carried out by the Administration and funded by American taxpayer dollars.
Because the Obama Administration cannot be trusted to tell the truth about abortion coverage within the insurance programs into which Americans are being forced, the new website is timely and needed. Here’s how it works: go to and find your state on the map. CLI and FRC have clearly labeled the states that have opted out of elective abortion coverage, meaning that — although taxpayers in that state are still forced to pay federal taxes being funneled into abortion coverage — their state has enacted legislation that ensures abortions are not covered by the insurance programs there.
For the rest of us, clicking on our state will take us to a list of all the insurance carriers in our state. In Texas, for example (a state the has not enacted legislation to block insurance carriers from including elective abortion coverage), there are 14 insurance carriers (i.e., United Healthcare, Aetna, etc.). Collectively these carriers provide 139 different plans. CLI and FRC investigated the abortion coverage in each plan, and report whether each one covers elective abortions, does not cover elective abortions, or is unknown. Using Texas as an example once again: all of the plans offered by the Molina Marketplace include elective abortion coverage. All of the plans offered by Aetna do not. And abortion coverage in the plans offered by United Healthcare are unknown.
Visit to find out out what your state’s current status is.