Last year, Andrew Cuomo tried — and failed — to turn New York into the most abortion-friendly state in the world. The so called “Women’s Equality Act” would have allowed any healthcare practitioner to perform abortions (not just doctors), and for abortion to be performed at any time through the pregnancy for any reason, including in the third trimester. While the failure of this bill to pass last year was a victory for pro-lifers, it isn’t over yet. A group of New York Democrats have reintroduced the bill, because what New York needs is more abortion.
The so-called Women’s Equality Act, which allows late-term abortions in New York for virtually any reason, has returned.
A group of pro-abortion Democratic State Senators continued to push today for abortion-expansion, despite polls showing the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers oppose their dangerous agenda. And the bill has grisly consequences.
… The 10th point of the Women’s Equality Act, pushed for by Governor Cuomo, would change New York law to open the doors for non-doctors to perform abortions, and to allow abortions in the third trimester for any reason. Current law already allows abortion at any point that a woman’s life is in danger, but the 10th point would change that to include any “health” reason as well. The key distinction is that “health” was defined in the 1973 court case Doe v. Bolton, providing a definition so broad that it far overreaches physical, or even mental, well-being.
A poll conducted by McLaughlin and Associates last year found that 79.5% of New Yorkers oppose allowing unlimited abortion right through the ninth month of pregnancy.
What’s the state of abortion in New York right now? Well, the abortion rate is double the national average, and 93% of women live in a county that houses an abortion clinic. They provide abortion coverage through Medicaid, and have virtually no restrictions on abortion. It’s even worse in New York City, and especially so for black women, for whom the number of abortions is higher than the number of births. The New York City Health Department has an abortion app for teens, and tanning salons are inspected more often than abortion clinics are.
And all of that isn’t good enough? That’s not enough to satisfy the blood lust of these pro-abortion extremists?
Here’s a question: just how commonplace does abortion need to be before they’re satisfied? If New York isn’t good enough already, with it’s insanely high abortion rate, clinics on every corner, and free abortion apps for teenagers, then what would be? It’s a truly sickening thought to consider.