New York Governor Kathy Hochul made her commitment to abortion even more pronounced this week, hosting a Planned Parenthood Day of Action just days after the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade.
Hochul said the anniversary – which legalized the killing of nearly 63 million preborn children in the United States – was something to be celebrated. She praised an effort that would enshrine a “right” to abortion in the state’s constitution, while also calling on other states to do the same.
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“We need to make sure that no future governors, no future legislators can ever strip away these rights that we have here in the great state of New York,” Hochul said. “We can thwart what the Supreme Court is trying to do to our nation. We can set them backwards by showing that the power rests on the people and the power occurs at the ballot box in places like New York and every other place where abortion rights have been on the ballot.”
While Hochul and others trumpet abortion as a “right,” there is never any right for a person to kill an innocent preborn human being. Children killed during these violent acts are brutally starved, ripped to pieces, or poisoned to death. These victims, like baby Harriet pictured below, deserve the highest protection of the law, but instead, too many lawmakers are calling for even more deaths.
![Justice for the Five](
Baby Harriet found in medical waste bin outside DC abortion facility. Photo courtesy of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.
Lawmakers in New York have done much in the past two years to demonstrate that abortion is one of their top priorities, including passing legislation that requires chemical abortions to be made available on college campuses, requiring health clinics to distribute the abortion pill for free, and offering millions in funding to abortion businesses around the state.
State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar told the New York Post that Democrats are making this their primary campaign issue ahead of election season.
“Hochul is using the abortion issue to provide political cover for Democrats who really have a problem with what most New Yorkers consider the primary issues affecting the state –migration, policing and the quality of life,” Kassar said.
Republican State Sen. George Borrello agreed. “Abortion is the dog whistle issue. New York already has the broadest abortion law in the country,” he said.
Whether or not this is a mere political strategy, the truth remains that the state is continuing to push for more death — and the lives of preborn children are at stake.