Breaking news from England has found National Health Service (NHS) doctors caught forging abortion consent forms – before they ever even saw any patients. When investigators mounted a series of raids on abortion clinics, they found doctors routinely pre-signing consent forms, with nurses filling in the patient information later.
The investigators from the Care Quality Commission discovered that staff were routinely forging certificates, largely involving doctors pre–signing consent forms without seeing patients.
In total, 14 NHS hospitals have been formally censured by regulators over potentially illegal abortions.The 249 inspections were carried out as part of an inquiry ordered by Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, after an investigation by The Daily Telegraph found evidence that the law was being broken.
Under the 1967 Abortion Act, doctors are allowed to carry out a termination if they believe the physical or mental health of a pregnant woman is in jeopardy.
Before carrying out the termination, two doctors must sign a form certifying that they are both “of the opinion, formed in good faith” that to continue the pregnancy would be inappropriate.
All in all, 14 hospitals have been censured due to these illegal abortions.
What does this tell us about the attitude of the abortion industry? Both in the U.K. and here in the United States, there is an overwhelming prevalence of extreme disregard for the law. The abortion industry will blatantly break the law time and time again in order to profit off their gruesome business. In the United States, Live Action investigations have shown that abortion clinics routinely break or circumvent the law.
The most similar incident to the NHS scandal comes from a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Alabama which said that family members other than parents or legal guardians could sign abortion consent forms – a violation of state law. Additionally, they have covered up child sex-trafficking, as well as broken mandatory reporting laws.
This also shows that, contrary to the claims of the abortion industry, the medical safety of women is not of much importance. From giving women inaccurate medical information to England’s outbreak of rubber-stamping consent forms without a doctor ever actually examining the patient first, it’s obvious that blood money comes before patient safety and well-being.
The corruption in the abortion industry is not solely an American problem. As this goes to show, the evil that is inherent in the business of abortion is widespread, spanning continents. Women and their babies are nothing more than walking checkbooks to abortionists – pieces of meat for them to exploit and take advantage of. Laws and regulations that every single other medical professional has to follow do not apply to them, and sadly, when abortionists do break the law, time and time again law enforcement looks the other way.
Will these doctors be held responsible for their blatant law-breaking? That’s yet to be seen, but censuring these 14 hospitals is a good start.