
Pro-lifers aren’t enabling violence, but the abortion industry is

America witnessed a horrible crime this month: 49 people were murdered at a gay nightclub in Orlando. Who was responsible? You might blame the guy that pulled the trigger, one Omar Mateen. But according to Rewire editor Jodi Jacobson, he wasn’t the only culprit. The next day, she said pro-lifers also bore some responsibility.


Pro-lifers have been accused before of crimes we had nothing to do with. However, it usually happens when the perpetrator and motive have yet to be identified. That wasn’t the case here: Mateen called 911 and pledged allegiance to ISIS–not 40 Days for Life.

Still, Jacobson isn’t convinced. To her, the claim “this is not who we are” as Americans is “at best aspirational for a country in which women’s rights to their own bodies are a subject of ongoing debate…” Given her politics, Jacobson probably doesn’t mean the right to defend their bodies or decide how much soda to put in them. Rather, she’s talking about the “right” to rip up a child.

I’ll be honest–it’s tough to see what opposing dismemberment has to do with shooting gay people. In contrast, it’s pretty clear how the abortion industry has enabled violence–from sex trafficking to sexual abuse, a fact abortion activists like Ms. Jacobson don’t seem too concerned about.

People often think human trafficking only happens overseas. It doesn’t. Even in America, there are victims of slavery; abortion helps keep them working. A former trafficking victim named Nicole mentions that experience in the video below. Nicole was forced into two abortions, something she calls “the hardest.”

To most, the idea of aiding traffickers is horrifying; Live Action found that at America’s largest abortion chain, Planned Parenthood, it didn’t raise eyebrows.

When Live Action investigators visited a Planned Parenthood facility in Perth Amboy, NJ while posing as human traffickers, the clinic director offered to arrange forced abortions on child prostitutes who “can’t speak English” and “won’t know what’s going on.”

But they weren’t only ones offered a hand. Planned Parenthood also helped Edgar Ramirez get away with raping his 13-year-old daughter. She was well below the age of consent, but staff didn’t contact authorities despite performing two abortions in six months.

They weren’t concerned about Timothy Smith’s 13 year-old victim either. In a lawsuit filed by the girl’s mother, a Planned Parenthood employee admitted that “being thirteen and pregnant alone is not a red flag” there. The abortion they provided allowed the abuse to continue for months thereafter.

Denise Fairbanks sued Planned Parenthood as well. Fairbanks was taken in for an abortion by her incestuous father. Despite telling staff this, they turned her back over to him when they were done. Planned Parenthood chose to settle rather than face a jury.

It doesn’t stop there: Planned Parenthood also helped Gary Cross, Luis Gonzalez-Jose, Andrew King, John Haller, Adam Gault, Grey David Woods,and Kevon Walker to hide their crimes and keep harming their victims.


Abusive partners like abortion, too. They often push abortion as a to avoid child support, and they can get violent when their suggestions are ignored.

Women have been shot, stabbed, beaten, smothered, and burned to death for refusing to abort, which helps explain why the CDC lists homicide as a leading cause of death during pregnancy. The abortion lobby isn’t real eager to change that: when legislation was proposed last year in Texas requiring abortion clinics to offer a private room with support information and a telephone to contact law enforcement, NARAL Pro-Choice Texas dismissed it as “not needed.”

No matter what Jodi Jacobson says, attacking pro-lifers won’t protect gays. However, there are ways you can help protect women and girls from rape and abuse. One is to back anti-coercion legislation. Another? Tell Congress that Planned Parenthood’s half billion dollars in federal funding should go to federally qualified health centers (FQHC) and community health centers (CHCs) instead. They provide affordable care without helping predators and pimps.

After smearing the pro-life movement, Jacobson complained that “rape and sexual assault are often blamed on the victim.” While it’s true that sexual assault victims don’t deserve blame, abortion chains like Planned Parenthood sure do. They should face the consequences that go with it.

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