Abortion advocates use a variety of tactics. Sometimes they’ll try and paint frightening scenarios if abortion is outlawed. A friend of mine came across one recently:
She wasn’t exactly panicked:
Curiously, this person didn’t explain how limiting “sexual freedom” is worse than dismemberment. Instead, she offered this:
You often hear that pro-life men “fear sexually active women.” Why, I have no idea; it’s certainly not a phobia I struggle with. However, I can see why some men would fear pregnancy and child support. Luckily for them, the abortion industry is good at killing their obligations. Protecting their partners from coercion and violence? Not so much.
When you regard women as disposable means to sexual ends, pregnancy can be a real hazard. That’s why “bro-choice” author Christian McQueen offered this advice:
And if a new purse isn’t convincing enough, then there are guides on how to apply more pressure:
According some studies, more than half of women who abort feel pushed into it; resisting can be deadly. It was for Joseph Minerd’s ex-girlfriend. Minerd firebombed the woman’s house after she refused to have an abortion. Her 3-year-old daughter died in the attack as well.
The crime was far from unique: Hawa Gabbidon and Shamari Jenkins were both shot for the same reason. It’s also why Shaniesha Forbes was smothered, Roxanne Fernando was beaten to death, and Tasha Rossett’s throat was slashed. Given cases like this, it’s not surprising the CDC lists homicide as a leading cause of death during pregnancy.
So how is the abortion industry helping to protect women from violence? Well…it’s not.
This year in Michigan, Rep. Amanda Price and Nancy Jenkins backed anti-coercion legislation; Planned Parenthood opposed it. When Texas state Rep. Molly White proposed legislation requiring abortion facilities to offer a private room with information about support programs and a telephone to contact law enforcement, NARAL Pro-Choice Texas said it was “not needed.”
If you don’t agree, tell your elected representatives you want stronger laws to protect new moms. You can also help pregnancy care centers, places offering women care and support. Because while sexually active women aren’t scary, pro-abortion violence sure is.
Let’s end it.