Of all the iconic images for Valentine’s Day – the candy hearts, chocolate wrapped in shiny red foil, the diamond ring – nothing says “I love you,” or shouts out a message of tenderness and care, like seeing a Valentine advertising abortion.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richard hearts abortion this Valentine’s.
Yet that’s precisely what Planned President Cecile Richards did in the recently released video on her Twitter account. Richards is centered in the video, holding up cue cards featuring the hashtag “What women need,” followed by the phrase “for Valentine’s Day.” In the center of each card, surrounded by a sentimental red heart, is an item Richards believes is at the top of the list for women on this most romantic of holidays. Each card features a different Valentine’s Day “need,” including “birth control,” “Planned Parenthood,” and of course, Planned Parenthood’s greatest money-maker, “safe and legal abortion.”
Granted, distasteful advertisements aren’t really anything new for abortion advocates, and Planned Parenthood isn’t exactly known for its discretion or mature, respectful handling of sexuality when “educating” the public and our kids, but one must hope that any woman seeing this advertisement recognizes the irony of marketing abortion as a Valentine’s Day “I love you” token.
Valentine’s Day has traditionally been known as a holiday for lovers, a time to express to that special someone how much he or she means to you and, generally, your overall commitment to that person. Clearly, nothing says “forever yours” like “I’ll make sure nothing permanent, like, say, you carrying our child, ever ties us together for the long haul.” If the irresponsible boyfriend needed one more way to say “this is really all about me” and avoid the consequences of casual sex in the name of “love,” he just got it from Cecile Richards.
Whether it’s the greatest way to say “love” might be a little more debatable. Given the fact that research indicates that couples are more likely to break up or divorce, and less likely to maintain lasting relationships, after an abortion, one must question the sanity of putting abortion anywhere on the list of “best ways to express love.”
Today, however, the holiday has morphed from just being a lover’s holiday to a day to express affection in general. From the pre-school Valentine’s Parties to typical family celebrations, the holiday usually includes, at least in some way, the smallest members of our society as well. At least, if they are birthed. Generally, I would suggest making heart-shaped cookies with children might be the most appropriate way of conveying love to the little people in one’s life, but perhaps in Richard’s twisted viewing, snuffing out the tiny human works just as well.
Hopefully the day will come, and very soon, where women everywhere rise up and let it be known that the best way to communicate love isn’t through extinguishing a life or avoiding responsibility – and that, contrary to Planned Parenthood’s twisted assertions, the female heart is crying out for a whole lot more then help killing her offspring.