
Nursing journal: late-term abortion a “distressing clinical event” of a “complex nature”

From an article in The Journal of Clinical Nursing:

Second trimester terminations require the woman concerned to go through an induced labour, the result of which is a fetus in a very human form. This event requires sensitive management as it is has the potential to cause a great deal of distress for the women involved due to the psychological and physical impact of the procedure. However, health professionals involved can also find this a distressing clinical event due to the complex nature of the management and care required.

ANNETTE D. HUNTINGTON RGON, BN, PhD “Working with women experiencing mid-trimester termination of pregnancy: the integration of nursing and feminist knowledge in the gynaecological setting” Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2002, 11 273-279

This is only one way to do a second trimester abortion. Others are done by D & E, where the baby is dismembered inside the mother’s body.

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