In his annual State of the Union address last night, Obama made a statement about human life that he would be hard-pressed to defend if the pre-born could speak loudly enough to challenge him on it:
We believe in the inherent dignity and equality of every human being regardless of race or religion, creed or sexual orientation.
Skip to 57:32 to see his comment here.

Unborn human embryo, 7 weeks after conception.
In reality, the fact is that when a person does not stand for the dignity and equality of the unborn, he cannot consistently stand for the dignity and equality of everyone else. Obama doesn’t stand for who those children are, or what they will become if they are allowed to be born.
Until a child has bypassed all of the threats with which he is faced prior to birth — no thanks to Obama’s vehemently anti-life American policies — Obama does not recognize its “inherent dignity and equality.” If dignity and equality were “inherent” to “all human beings,” as he claims, then they exist indivisible from the human being from the moment it becomes a human being (which, science tells us, is at the moment of fertilization).
But, even the statement that “being born” is a prior requirement to Obama assigning dignity and equality must be qualified: even being born alive isn’t enough for Obama to respect a human being’s dignity. He made this clear when he voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act four times before taking office.
He makes this clear when he wishes God’s blessing upon Planned Parenthood, an organization that staunchly defends its practice of allowing born-alive children to die helpless on their tables after failed abortions.
When Obama’s supposed belief in the inherent dignity and equality of humans actually begins, in his mind, is a mystery; but one thing is for certain: the part about it applying to “every human being” is simply a lie.