President Barack Obama, the most pro-abortion president in our country’s history, has come out with a new video just in time to pander to his friends at Planned Parenthood. In it, he thanks the organization for protecting women’s health and slams lawmakers seeking to defund them.
Obama frames this mainly as an issue of protecting women’s health, suggesting that Planned Parenthood provides life-saving care for women such as mammograms (a patently false claim, as Planned Parenthood does not provide mammograms) and boasting about how women are not an “interest group.”
He also thanked Planned Parenthood for never forgetting whom they’re fighting for. Apparently, Obama has forgotten what they’re fighting for: the right to break the law, repeatedly, and to use women in the most despicable ways in order to make blood money.
As Live Action has uncovered in undercover investigations, there is no end to the lows that Planned Parenthood is willing to sink to in order to keep its lucrative abortion business running. Planned Parenthood associates have been caught covering up child sex-trafficking, intentionally breaking state and federal laws. They were found to consistently give women inaccurate medical information, breaking the American Medical Association’s principle of informed consent. They were willing to accept donations to specifically target the abortions of black babies. And they were also found to repeatedly cover up the statutory rape of young girls, breaking mandatory reporting laws over and over again.
How exactly do any of the above actions show an organization willing to protect women? To the contrary, Planned Parenthood’s actions show that, time and time again, they’re willing to put money above the well-being of not just women, but also underage girls.
And fighting for women’s health? An organization that routinely lies and gives women false medical information, violating the AMA’s principle of informed consent, could hardly be considered a women’s health crusader. They also lie about providing potentially life-saving services – mammograms – and happily cheer on the president for continuing to spread that falsehood.
Mr. President, if you truly care about protecting the health of women, then there is only one thing to do, and that is to cut ties with Planned Parenthood and to stop the taxpayer funding of this evil organization. Planned Parenthood has proven time and time again that, far from being advocates for women, it is more than willing to victimize them in order to make money. It’s time for you to take a side: either you stand up against such atrocities, or you continue to accept the endorsement of the country’s largest abortion provider and an organization that routinely puts its own profits above women’s interests. If you truly care about protecting women and our health, then you’ll end your relationship with Planned Parenthood.