President Barack Obama certainly has a penchant for supporting abortion, even using Obamacare to do it. The health care law has been documented paying for abortions and also forces employees to provide contraception, including abortifacients. But Obamacare is being tied to the abortion industry in even more ways.
Video evidence from the Center for Medical Progress has shown top Planned Parenthood employees discussing their willingness to sell fetal parts and to even alter abortion techniques to obtain more intact parts – a breaking of federal law. But seeing as how the President continues to support the abortion giant, it seems there is little Planned Parenthood could do that would cause him to withdraw his support.
The Washington Times reports that even in the midst of scandal, Planned Parenthood locations in Iowa, Missouri and Montana have been given more than $1 million in federal grants. These funds are to assist customers who wish to sign up for Obamacare – further proof of the strong connection between Planned Parenthood and the President.These Planned Parenthood chapters received funding in 2013 and 2014, as well. The funds for Iowa and Missouri are to be used to help in signing up minority groups, including American Indians and those who speak limited English. While this helps Planned Parenthood’s public image, portraying themselves as a group which helps those in need, it is a shame that the largest abortion provider is the one assisting such people.
The Washington Times includes statements from spokesman Aaron Albright for Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, who explains that there is a competitive grant process which is outlined in a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). Regardless, the fact that the Obama Administration still believes Planned Parenthood is worthy to receive money, even amid these scandals, is shocking.
Objectively speaking, even if Planned Parenthood were not caught up in such scandals, why does it need more money? Why isn’t the $528.4 million from taxpayers it already received enough?
Regarding the funds, Representative Diane Black (R-TN) of the Congressional Pro-Life Caucus spoke to Her statement in part reads:
This is unconscionable. A growing body of evidence suggests that Planned Parenthood broke federal law and now the Obama Administration is thumbing its nose at Congress and taxpayers by using this backdoor maneuver to boost funding for the scandal-ridden abortion giant.
Black also spoke about her bill, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act. While the House will vote this session to defund Planned Parenthood, it may be a procedural vote until a new President has taken office. At least, this appears to be the view of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who is now claiming there’s no point in the Senate attempting to defund PP, despite his promises to bring it up for another vote.
While Obama is not the only public official representing the American people, he seems to be the one most willing to wield his power. Unfortunately, it is in favor of Planned Parenthood.