In two short minutes, you can find out even more things than you’ve heard before about what’s wrong with ObamaCare. (And this doesn’t even cover it all, folks.) We knew it was bad – we knew it was really bad – but did we know it was this bad? I mean, seriously, $100-a-day fines for each employee? If this isn’t an extreme violation of personal, constitutional, and conscience rights, I don’t know what is.
Of course, we shouldn’t be surprised at all the things that can hide in a nearly 1,000 page law, with even more pages of regulations implementing that law. In 2011, John Vinci of NetRight Daily wrote (footnotes omitted):
If you thought that Obamacare was long, it is only a fraction of the length of the regulations.
Obamacare contains over 700 directives for HHS and other agencies to implement Obamacare.
We went through and counted all of the Obamacare regulation documents published so far. We found that the number of pages in regulations are already 114 percent as long as the number of pages in the Obamacare statutes! The statutes contain 961 pages compared to 1,093 pages of regulations … What is more telling is the word count comparison. The Obamacare statutes together contain 425,116 words. Compare that to 1,147,271 words published so far in Obamacare regulation documents. The regulations are 270 percent as long as the statute itself.
Alliance Defense Fund, the organization who created the video at the beginning of this article, has also designed an easily sharable collection of facts about ObamaCare. You can share the fact sheet with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and more. ADF has done a well-researched job of explaining just what ObamaCare means to everyday Americans. And they reveal multiple hidden facts that must be brought to light.
For example:
Employees who don’t purchase ObamaCare will be fined up to 2.5% of their salary.
Some ObamaCare plans can take $ straight out of your paycheck and put it in an abortion-on-demand fund.
The U.S. Department of Labor reports that there are approximately 154,000,000 people in the U.S. labor force. If only half of plans include the Abortion Premium, at only $1 per month, the yearly income into this fund would be $924,000,000.
On average, an abortion costs $450. At the above rate, this fund could completely subsidize 2 million abortions per year. Currently, there are 1.2 million abortions per year in the U.S.
The employee will discover that their plan contains an abortion premium either by seeking it out in the fine print once they have enrolled, or noticing the separate surcharge taken from their paycheck.
ADF provides sources for the claims made in its fact sheet. The facts are chilling, but they must be studied, understood, and broadcasted by every American. Clearly, President Obama has used ObamaCare as an avenue to give a committed Planned Parenthood associate and abortion advocate – HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius – free rein to impose conscience violations and abortion funding on millions of Americans who are pro-life or who simply do not desire to fund someone else’s abortion.
As ADF correctly states, “[f]orced purchase is usually called ‘coercion’ rather than ‘commerce.’”
Know the facts, and speak out, America.