The Democratic Party’s extremist new abortion platform may not help them with Americans not already in the Cult of Abortionism, but it’s already gotten rave reviews from a member of the target audience: NARAL president Ilyse Hogue, who gushes that it’s “by far and away the most progressive platform on reproductive health, freedom and justice in the history of the party,” adding:
The Whole Woman’s Health v. Hellerstedt decision handed down by the Supreme Court was a significant victory for the 7 in 10 Americans who support a woman’s access to safe and legal abortion, as well as for evidence-based decision making over ideology.
“7 in 10” is an old favorite of NARAL’s, a lie they’ve been peddling for years. Funny thing, though… when Gallup, Marist (here, here, here, and here), CNN, and others poll the public (using less loaded phrasing that actually factors in different abortion circumstances), they consistently find that more than half the country wants to ban elective abortions, and that Americans oppose the late-term and taxpayer-funding extremes of the new platform even more strongly.
Then again, maybe Hogue’s partisan, abortion-on-demand advocacy group just happens to be the only organization in the United States working with the right pollsters. Yeah, that must be it. She continues:
But with the extreme anti-choice minority’s pledge to double down on its efforts to eliminate abortion access and anti-choice politicians trying to seize control of women’s decision making and our lives at every level of government, we need a concrete statement of values and a proactive vision to rally around.
This draft platform is that.
That’s an interesting way to spin doubling down on a fringe constituency instead of trying to understand why your priorities repulse the mainstream. But then, putting fingers in her ears and repeating, “No, you’re the fringe!” every time the country rejects her agenda is a recurring tactic for Hogue.
Evidence consistently demonstrates that when women have access to all forms of family planning, not only do they thrive, but their families and their communities thrive. If we are serious about lifting women out of poverty, having access to the full range of reproductive freedoms is key.
Oh, is that why blue-state, unregulated abortion facilities are closing almost as fast as those in red states? Hogue seems to have the laws of supply and demand exactly backwards.
Perhaps even more compelling is the psychological and mental impact of not being able to control your own body. There’s a reason the UN classifies lack of access to abortion as a form of torture with long term ramifications for women forced to carry pregnancies against their will.
It’s preposterous for Hogue to pretend women’s mental health matters to her, when her organization has so hysterically demonized crisis pregnancy centers for warning women about the mental and emotional dangers of abortion.
As Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg said last year: “There’s a sorry situation in the United States, which is essentially that poor women don’t have choice. Women of means do. They will, always. …That we have one law for women of means and another for poor women is not a satisfactory situation.”
Y’know what? For once in her scandalously overrated career, Justice Ginsburg is absolutely right. It is outrageous that women of means can still circumvent pro-life laws to have their children murdered. So let’s end this unconscionable economic disparity by abolishing abortion outright, for rich and poor alike.
I also couldn’t agree more with Hogue’s closing endorsement of a “future when every woman has access to her constitutional rights regardless of geography, income, or source of insurance.” Unfortunately, her claims to actually want that future will always be insincere as long as she fights to keep “age or development” off that list.