Last week, Live Action blogger Kristi Burton Brown had some suggestions for men who might not want their pregnant partners to have an abortion. Her tips included speaking up about their feelings instead of staying quiet, making themselves informed about the facts of pregnancy and abortion, and, if necessary, looking into legal options. There are many men who have no problem at all with letting their babies be slaughtered, but there are also plenty who are willing to step up and be a father when they learn of an unexpected pregnancy.
Enter RH Reality Check, where blogger Renee Bracey Sherman apparently just could not abide the thought of men who don’t support the murder of their children being given resources on how to prevent it. Showing all of the debate ability of a five-year-old, Sherman’s response can basically be summed up as nuh-uh!! She points out that some men are just fine and dandy with abortion, thankyouverymuch, and that supporting abortion is an act of love, too. And this is something that we rubes at Live Action are just incapable of understanding.
This week, the anti-choice group Live Action posted an article about how men can stop the women in their lives from obtaining an abortion. The article tells men not to “give your permission for abortion or help her get one,” suggests getting a restraining order against their partner, and advises them to buy their partner prenatal vitamins and baby supplies. But the most wrongheaded thing about the piece is that not all men are against abortion—many think it is a complicated issue and support their partners in their decision-making.
… As I continue to share my abortion experience publicly, I meet people who want to share theirs with me. Some of those people are men. I’ve heard stories about how the choice was tough, but they appreciated that their partner included them in the decision. They too felt abortion was the best option at that time. Some have gone on to have other children, while others haven’t. Once a man told me that when he and his partner became pregnant after having an abortion, they had such a different feeling about it: “We knew that this time, we were ready to be parents. I felt like a father.”
Being a parent is about more than buying prenatal vitamins and diapers. It is about having the ability to support a person for the rest of your life. And when I decide to become a parent, I want to make sure that I am in a place where I am ready to do that. And I want to do it with a partner who is ready to respect our children, our family, and me. What Live Action doesn’t understand is that supporting someone through an abortion is a form of love as well. It’s a deep respect for all of life’s complexities. And I believe that most men, and fathers, understand that too.
If Sherman ever actually read Live Action’s blog posts, she might have known that we are painfully aware that there are plenty of men willing to go along with abortions. We talked about MSNBC personality Touré Neblett, who said that he was sleeping with a woman he didn’t want to marry, and when she got pregnant, he was just totally thrilled that she was able to have an abortion. Neblett’s experience is the most common: a man is screwing around, having no intentions whatsoever of committing, and when a woman he’s sleeping with gets pregnant, he happily drives her to the closest abortion clinic.
Abortion is an easy way for jerks to use women for sex and then escape the consequences of their actions. A man choosing to support abortion isn’t showing how much he respects women or how much he loves them. He’s showing that he is a coward who isn’t willing to step up and accept responsibility for his actions like a real man.
There are also plenty of men who, when their partners don’t want an abortion, will try to pressure them into it. Heath White admitted on ESPN that, upon learning that his unborn daughter had Down syndrome, he pressured his wife to have an abortion (thankfully, she refused). Other men have forced their partners into abortions when pressuring them didn’t work.
Sherman needn’t worry. We know that there are plenty of scumbags out there who just love abortion, and it’s these men whom pro-aborts love back. Meanwhile, men who feel differently are silenced. Pro-aborts like Sherman like to call themselves pro-choice, but time and time again, they show that they really aren’t big fans of actual choice. In this case, why should men be given information on what they can do if their partners end up pregnant and are considering an abortion? They’ll say it isn’t his decision, it’s not his body – but the fact is, it is his baby. Half the DNA of the baby is from the father, yet he’s not supposed to have any feelings whatsoever except for approval? It’s the pro-aborts complaining about men having information and resources here, yet we’re the ones they call anti-choice?