
Ohio abortion clinic refuses to call 911 after botching an abortion

Whenever people refer to abortion as “health care”, they should remember incidents like this. Abortionists don’t care about protecting women; they care about money. That’s it. So when a patient is injured, it isn’t unusual for the abortionist, along with clinic employees, to not do everything possible to help the patient. They don’t want to call attention to the fact that they messed up.

This attitude was on full display at an abortion clinic in Akron, Ohio. Akron Women’s Medical Group seriously botched an abortion, perforating the woman’s uterus with a cannula. This is a serious emergency, yet the clinic refused to call 911. Instead, they called a private ambulance company, which then called the fire department to notify them of the emergency.


Notice the appalling lack of detail given to the first responders, despite the plea for ALS, or Advanced Life Support. The dispatcher isn’t exactly sure what the emergency is. She doesn’t know if the patient is bleeding. It’s also worth noting that it would have been much faster for the clinic to just call 911 — it took the Akron Fire Department not even four minutes to get to the clinic once they were notified by the private ambulance company, whereas it took AMR ten minutes to get there. Depending on how dire the emergency is, those six minutes could be the difference between life and death. But what does it matter when an abortionist’s reputation is on the line?

At least one of this clinic’s patients has filed a malpractice suit for negligence. And Operation Rescue notes that this is not the first time this clinic has had medical emergencies. They’ve had two other medical emergencies in the past, as well as repeated inspection failures.

The NAF certified that AWMG was in full compliance with its Clinical Policy Guidelines, however, in 2011 a patient care complaint alleging that the facility was dirty, a patient was mistreated by a staff member and that the clinic had a rodent infestation prompted two inspections of the facility that uncovered the following violations:

• Trash and food debris was discovered in the patient waiting room.
• Carpets in the facility were stained and in need of cleaning.
• A container of used needles had no lid as required for safety.
• Crash cart and ultrasound machine in procedure room were dirty.
• Cabinets with drugs and prescription pads were unlocked and several drug vials were out on the counter.
• Supplies and supply boxes scattered around the procedure room counters and floor.
• Gurneys were covered with heavy black plastic and secured with duct tape under the mattresses.
• Inadequately trained staff.

Allegations that patients were treated rudely and that unsanitary conditions existed at the clinic were substantiated. The report that mice were seen in the facility was deemed unsubstantiated only because the inspector did not see any during her survey.

Sadly, none of this is unusual. From trying to avoid necessary medical intervention when an abortion fails to disgusting, unsafe clinics that can’t meet their appallingly low standards, it is clear that abortionists neither care about women’s health, nor about their safety. How many women need to be butchered before the country wakes up to this reality?

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