The parental rights coalition Protect Women Ohio (PWO) launched a new digital ad this week as part of its campaign against a state constitutional amendment that would enshrine the “right” to abortion in the constitution while stripping parents of their rights.
The amendment, which will likely land on the November ballot, states, “every individual has a right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on contraception, fertility treatment, continuing one’s own pregnancy, miscarriage care, and abortion.”
As PWO noted in a press release, “the proposed amendment will eviscerate parental rights, and will allow minors to obtain abortions, and even gender reassignment procedures, without parental notification or consent.”
The ad opens with a clip of President Joe Biden speaking of children, saying, “They’re all our children.”
“There’s no such thing as someone else’s child,” he said. “No such thing as someone else’s child. Our nation’s children are all our children.”
The narrator then explains that the constitutional amendment would strip Ohio parents of their rights.
“Do not tell me that he is not my child. Do not tell me it takes a village to raise my child,” says a woman.
“It’s anti-parent because it removes consent. And I can tell you that as a new mother, I will never allow intruders to lay a hand on my child without consent,” explains another.
PWO previously released two digital ads featuring mothers describing what could happen should the amendment pass.
“Today in Ohio, if your child wants to have an abortion or get a sex change, you as a parent have rights. This amendment would take away those rights,” warns Libby McCartney in one of the ads. “This is about parental rights, it’s not just about abortion like they say it is.”
“The language in this amendment takes away our rights as parents to be involved with the decisions our children make,” notes Linda Corbitt in the second ad.
“Joe Biden and the ACLU are completely out of touch with Ohio values,” said PWO Board Member Molly Smith of the latest ad’s release. “They are under the delusion that the government can take the place of parents. It is absurd, and Ohioans will vote down the ACLU’s dangerous amendment in November.”