Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest post are solely those of the guest author.
With the overturn of Roe, the legislative fight is now waged at the state level. Ohio is the latest battleground, becoming a hotbed of political debate as voters prepare to face off on Issue 1, a ballot measure that would enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution.
Issue 1 — “The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety” amendment — is so loosely and vaguely written, one can only surmise its far-reaching implications and devastating ramifications. And if this amendment is passed, it will become “Law” under the Ohio Constitution.
By sharing my story, along with sworn affidavits from other Ohio women harmed by abortion — I desire to highlight deleterious aspects of this radical pro-abortion amendment.
Below are declarations from courageous Ohio women, willing to step out of silence in the desire to spare others their pain. These statements were obtained from The Justice Foundation, which holds the world’s largest collection of legally admissible sworn affidavits of women AND men hurt by abortion.
The below powerful testimonies dismantle pro-abortion arguments, claiming abortion “is healthcare”; Is “good” for women; and “it is not a baby.”
A sampling of sworn testimony from Ohio women:
“No one told me that this was not a bunch of cells, but it was a life. I didn’t know that… I didn’t know I would have this baby’s blood on my hands.” ~ Sandra
“I was told I would feel nothing. First, I felt the ripping of the suction going through me. Thereafter…I had nightmares, chronic depression, and reoccurring bacterial infections…” ~ Christina
“It has caused an ache in my heart and arms that still exists.” (20 years post abortion.) ~ Susan
“It turned my whole world upside down into a deep dark pit of shame, despair, addictions and depression. It kills a part of your soul forever, never to be the same… never…. a deep pit of living hell on earth” ~ Rachelle
“The pain I suffered was the worst physical and psychological pain I have ever experienced in my life.” ~ Kathy
“I’ve been depressed for years since, I’ve had extreme mental and emotional problems, little to no self-esteem, self-destructive behaviors, extreme anxiety, shame, feelings of worthlessness, unable to have healthy relationships, abusive relationships…I could go on and on.” ~ Shanna S.
“I think of my baby every single day… no one knows the suffering.” ~ Sandra
“For years after, I had obsessively intrusive thoughts of self-destruction. I wanted to hang myself or burn myself alive.” ~ M.S.
“I slipped into deep depression and was later diagnosed with post traumatic stress disorder. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about my baby…” (abortion was 16 years prior at time of her signing.) ~ Mandy
“It’s the worst thing anyone could ever do… not just for your baby, but for your own mental state. No matter what is going on in your life at the time, an abortion will make it worse. There are thousands of people unable to conceive and would love to have a child if you’re unable to parent your child.” ~ Shanna
“The decision to have an abortion is the worst decision I have ever made in my life. I thought I’d be free if I didn’t have to “worry” about raising a child – however, I am constantly reminded of my decision by the guilt I bear. There are so many other loving options for your child.” ~ Carla C.
“It’s not a solution to a problem, it is ending a life, a life that is part of you; a decision that will affect you for the rest of your life.” ~ J.S.
“Making your own womb a grave should never be legal.” ~ Kristina D.
“Abortion is a self-inflicted torture that woman choose, because they don’t know all the truth about its affects. And it is a torture for a fetus who IS able to FEEL when its body is ripped apart in the womb of its mother.” ~ Wendy
“No amount of pain or inconvenience in carrying a baby full term and giving birth could possibly compare to the life-long pain and agony that follows abortion….a child, even conceived in unfortunate circumstances, is a gift… those who advocate for abortion are trying to sell a pack of lies. No one can take another life, particularly one in her own womb, and not be affected by it for the rest of her life.” ~ M.S.
“Abortion clinics LIE…WOMEN NEED OPTIONS. Had I been correctly informed about the physical and emotional pain I would feel for YEARS after the abortion I NEVER would have went through with it. I would have chosen adoption…” ~ Pamela
“We know in our hearts it isn’t right, I don’t care what the law is. It goes against our moral code to take our children’s lives, no matter how we try to rationalize it to ourselves… our hearts know the truth, and so we have to try to pick up the pieces and keep going…can this be good for our families, or for our nation?” ~ Colleen
These heart wrenching testimonies are just a fraction of the scores of similar testimony of women harmed by abortion. I invite you to visit CantStaySilent.com to peer further into the storehouse of similar stories of abortion’s harm to women (and men! Fathers hurt too.) We can do better! We can STOP THE PAIN.
With life-affirming solutions such as pregnancy resource center FREE services, Safe Haven laws in all 50 states, and the loving option of adoption — killing an innocent baby and harming mothers is never the solution. We can love them both. Women deserve better, as do their unborn children.
Early voting on Issue 1 begins October 11.
Susan Justice volunteers her service as the Ohio State Leader of Operation Outcry —under the umbrella of Attorney Allan Parker’s The Justice Foundation, which holds the world’s largest collection of legally admissible, sworn affidavits from women hurt by abortion.