Ex-MSNBC News Anchor Keith Olbermann went after pro-life pundit S. E. Cupp on Twitter this week saying that the pro-life view she expressed during a recent episode of the Joy Behar Show was a “demonstration of the necessity of the work Planned Parenthood does.”
Now that’s a terrible thing to say about anyone.
It implies that Olbermann thinks S. E. Cupp’s parents should have gone to Planned Parenthood and “taken care of her” rather than giving birth to an obviously intelligent and courageous young woman, who also happens to be pro-life.
Olbermann is now with Current TV, which is owned by former Vice-President Al Gore.
S. E. Cupp responded to Olbermann’s offensive tweets in a special segment:
One more thing to note: besides calling out Current TV, Al Gore and Olbermann to apologize for his remarks, S. E. Cupp also says Planned Parenthood and the National Organization for Women should break their silence and condemn such hateful speech.
After all, Planned Parenthood claim to be “pro-woman” but apparently have no problem when pro-life women are subject to degrading and unjustified attacks.
At least pro-lifers –unlike Keith Olbermann and his posse– are consistent: everyone deserves respect.