Many of us would love to find more tangible, practical, daily ways to end abortion. There are the obvious – and wonderful – options of sidewalk counseling, volunteering at a pregnancy center, and working on a political campaign. Most of us have also heard about giving pro-life speeches in our high school or college classes and starting clubs on campus. Undoubtedly, we always need more pro-lifers to step up to the plate and do all these things more often.
But in our day-to-day lives, what else can we do to end abortion? Is it possible to look back at the end of every day and be satisfied that we did something to stop this horror? I think we will never be satisfied that we have done enough until abortion is no more. And this is good! Complacency and satisfaction with doing just a little is what allows abortion to continue. This amazing article explains exactly how we could end abortion in one day if we were all truly willing. And these two articles provide great lists of things many of us can do.
Obviously, there are small but meaningful things we can do each day that will get us one step closer to a nation and a world without abortion. (And no, I’m not so blind that I fail to recognize that some women will still have abortions no matter how illegal it is. I also know that rape and armed robbery continue. This is no reason to legalize these crimes, which are cruel and violate the rights of others. Abortion should be no different.)
Enter This website has the tagline “One Thing a Day to End Abortion,” and it has three goals: 1) Connect, 2) Learn, 3) Act. When you visit AbolishAbortion (something you should do today), you have the options of connecting with AbolishAbortion, other organizations, or other pro-lifers.
AbolishAbortion provides information for you to learn, including:
Fetal Development
- What You Once Looked Like: Fetal Development by Week (read more…)
- More Resources on Fetal Development (read more…)
How to Help and Take Action
- 10 Things You Can Do to Save Lives Today (read more…)
- Learn How to Sidewalk Counsel (read more…)
- How You Can Assist Pro-Life Pregnancy Help Centers (read more…)
- Adoption Advocacy (read more…)
Of course, once we’ve connected and learned, the most important step to take is action. Until we act, our knowledge means very little. Only knowledge acted upon and connections utilized can actually save lives. And AbolishAbortion provides unique opportunities to act.
On their website, the group lists available pro-life jobs for those who want to work in the movement. Pro-life graphics that you can add to your social media account are also featured and available for your free use.
Once you’ve joined AbolishAbortion, you can upload pro-life videos to help others. (We can all agree that the pro-life movement could use more good media!) So be creative, think of a new way to present the message, and post a video to share on AbolishAbortion.
What about the “One Thing a Day to End Abortion”? You need Status 365. AbolishAbortion allows you to donate your Facebook status or a tweet every day for a pro-life quote or action alert. While this may seem like a small thing, it lets the world know that we stand for life. We will not be silent. We will reveal injustice and work to stop it. We will speak the truth and broadcast it loudly. We will proclaim the value of every life. And we will act on what we know is right until abortion ends.
Does joining Status 365 excuse us from other pro-life activities? Is it “enough”? No. We will never have done enough until abortion ends. But Status 365 is something we can do! Abortion will become unacceptable in our culture when our voices are raised – constantly and loudly – against it. Raise your voices! Cry out for life! We are pro-life. Hear us roar.