Classic FM recently provided a refreshing break from so much distressing news in the world, sharing the sweet story of a Canadian opera singer who performed while holding an infant on her hip. A seven-minute video accompanying the January 1st post shows mezzo-soprano Wallis Giunta, who lightheartedly tells the surprised live audience that the boy she is holding is the son of her accompanying violist, Marina Thibeault.
She continues on, telling the audience that she will be performing one of Brahms’ lullabies. “It’s a song sung by Mary to the angels on the night of Jesus’ birth. She’s asking them to still the wind and quiet the leaves rustling in the trees so that her baby can sleep.” She explains, “Lucien was backstage having a little nap, so we thought that maybe he could join us for this song.”
Giunta makes clear that Lucien is not a prop, telling the audience that “It’s going to be an experiment of sorts, and we’re going to see how it goes. And if he’s not interested after a certain point, we’ll just start over and he can just go and hang out backstage. But we’ll give it a try!” The audience responds with loud applause.
Remarkably, Lucien listens calmly through the entire lullaby without making a peep. Interestingly, his attention appears to be primarily on his mother instead of the impressively loud singer holding him.
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Commenters on the video applauded Giunta’s ability to perform with a baby pressing on her diaphragm and celebrated Lucien’s early exposure to classical music. Others expressed their approval of mom Marina’s decision to bring her son along with her to a performance, giving fresh meaning to the phrase “working mom.”
Giunta isn’t the only professional singer to perform with a child in tow. Similarly, in July of 2020, Alanis Morissette performed on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon while holding her three-year-old daughter Onyx. Both women are undoubtedly talented, but the most touching parts of their performances came from their willingness to eschew self-importance, tenderly welcoming another person even while each was performing professionally.
By their actions, these women made visible a reality that pro-lifers have long understood: children don’t keep us from our dreams. They can make those dreams even brighter, and more precious.
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