
What Planned Parenthood hopes women believe

It’s a pretty dis-empowering message when you get down to it.

Planned Parenthood’s ever-watchful eye

Planned Parenthood would like women to believe that the abortion giant is women’s only hope. They would like women to believe that Planned Parenthood is essential to American women. What’s more, they seem to think that the recent presidential election was all about them.

Look at these six excerpts from Planned Parenthood’s “Election Day Online Round-Up.” These excerpts come from tweets or quotes posted online by women. Planned Parenthood explains, “We took the time to round up some of the best of the best from what we were witnessing online on election day!”

@PPact Because women’s rights are human rights! (Under a photo of a mother and her son with a sticker saying “I’m watching and I love voting.”)

sometimes planned parenthood is a girl’s only hope.

#Vote like your lady parts depend on it. #YesWePlan#Forward, not back.

I voted Obama because I can’t afford $30 extra a month for birth control. But co-pay free? That I can do.#yesweplan

Today I voted to keep government out of decisions about my body and hers. (Under a photo of a mother and her daughter kissing.)

voted!! #obama #ilovemyovaries #plannedparenthood #gaymarriage #basichumanrights

Planned Parenthood’s example of “the best” tells us a lot about what they really stand for. (As if it weren’t already obvious enough.) Here’s what Planned Parenthood is really wanting women to believe.

  1. Women’s rights are human rights, but humans’ rights aren’t human rights.” Confusing, I know. But remember, a myriad of embryology and science textbooks inform us that, from the moment an unborn child comes into existence, he or she is human. Logically speaking, this new individual can be nothing but human. Humans reproduce humans, right? But somehow, in Planned Parenthood’s twisted view of the world, only women-humans get rights. Not human-humans.
  2. We are your only hope, women.” Talk about being pressed down under someone’s thumb. Talk about being told you’re not independent, not strong enough to make it on your own, and definitely not equal. After all, if women can’t get along without the omniscient Planned Parenthood, how empowered are they, really?
  3. This election was really about what’s between your legs.” Right. Because women don’t have the brains to think past that. Are you kidding me? And please also explain how women are moving “forward, not back” if we are defined by our “lady parts.” No thank you! Doesn’t sound like progress to me.
  4. Admire women whose only consideration for a national leader is whether or not he will give her free birth control.” Those are the kind of strong examples we are supposed to hold up to our daughters? Since when have women believed that the presidency was really only about our sex lives? Pretty creepy, if you ask me.
  5. We care so much for your daughters, too – as long as they’re born.” You know that daughter in the photo mentioned above? The one whose mother claims that she voted to keep government out of her daughter’s decisions about her body? Well, see, it really doesn’t make a lot of sense. Voting for a pro-abortion president is voting to keep government support of abortion. And abortion, just a bit earlier in that daughter’s life, would have ripped her body limb from limb without a single decision of her own. Not sure how supporting abortion is supporting your children’s rights to make decisions about their own bodies. Abortion is, in fact, the polar opposite of that.
  6. Women’s rights are human rights, but humans’ rights aren’t human rights.” Repeat of #1 above. This is the most important message to get.

Cecile Richards and the eye of ever-watchful women. Photo credit: Planned Parenthood of Northern New England

So there we have it: the lovely beliefs of Planned Parenthood are nothing but disempowering to women. These are not the messages American women need to hear, read, or believe. Yet Planned Parenthood, claiming to be women’s biggest advocate, continues to throw utter nonsense in our faces.

One more thing – I have something to say to Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood. She said of Mitt Romney, “He can’t get rid of us.” And here’s what I say.

You’re right, Ms. Richards. He can’t. But we the people can. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

Well I won’t back down, no I won’t back down
You can stand me up at the gates of hell
But I won’t back down

Gonna stand my ground, won’t be turned around
And I’ll keep this world from draggin’ me down
Gonna stand my ground and I won’t back down
Well I know what’s right, I got just one life
In a world that keeps on pushin’ me around
But I stand my ground and I won’t back down

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