One of the most tired pro-abortion “arguments” is that if you were really pro-life you would support [insert some other political cause here]. We saw it with pro-abortion politician Brian Sims bullying peaceful pro-lifers, demanding, “How many children have you clothed today?” — a variant of the all-too-common accusation that pro-lifers don’t actually care about children after they’re born.
Another prime example came from the infamous Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who tweeted, “The GOP doesn’t care about babies at all – especially brown, black, or poor ones. If they did, they’d: – cosponsor the Green New Deal or at LEAST have a real climate plan – guarantee healthcare so ALL can get prenatal care – not stand for the death+caging of babies on our border.”
These are not legitimate responses to the pro-life acknowledgement of the fact that a preborn child is a living human being with a beating heart who should not be violently killed. No one says to the people volunteering at a soup kitchen, “How many homeless people did you house today?” No one says to the people spreading awareness about pediatric cancer, “What are you doing about climate change?”
While these types of “gotcha” pro-abortion responses are nothing new, they are taking on a shocking ferocity. Now, instead of using these “arguments” to discredit pro-lifers and demand allegiance to the Green New Deal, abortion supporters are using the existence of human suffering to promote abortion as a positive good. Abortion supporters are openly claiming killing a child in the womb is better than that child being born into poverty or difficult circumstances.
READ: No, children who would be born into poverty are not better off aborted
Interestingly, these abortion supporters unintentionally acknowledge that abortion ends the life of a human being. And yet, they continue to insist that pro-lifers are motivated by something other than legitimate and well-founded concern for those children and their families. Pro-abortion advocates continue to claim that pro-lifers are “standing outside clinics hurling nasty verbal and mental abuse into the faces of women” and that, “It’s truly hatred.”
It’s odd how such allegedly ‘offensive’ and ‘anti-social’ behavior has resulted in untold thousands of mothers and fathers who are grateful that their children are alive today instead of having been killed violently in an abortion. The children alive today because someone was brave enough to tell their mothers that they had other options are the living proof that the pro-life cause is not about foster care or climate change. It is about ending the violent destruction of innocent human life. By the way, here’s a demonstration of how they destroy those humans:
This commitment to protecting innocent humans often does result in pro-lifers who support many social causes, including feeding and clothing children who have been born. The goal has never been simply to outlaw abortion; serious pro-lifers are committed to building a culture in which abortion is never viewed as necessary. The fact that it is impossible for pro-lifers to solve poverty, environmental issues, and all other social ills does not mean it is justifiable to violently end the lives of preborn children.
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