Sex education is no longer focused on avoiding pregnancy or STDs. It now teaches students how to engage in certain sexual acts, encourages them to carry out those acts with each other, and instructs students to share personal sexual information with their teachers. Sex education often begins with children as young as kindergarten, and much of it is connected to Planned Parenthood — America’s largest abortion provider.
Sexual fantasy assignment in Oregon
Last month, a teacher in Eugene, Oregon’s School District 4J was put on paid leave and a third-party investigation was launched into what led the teacher at Churchill High School to give students a sex ed assignment instructing them to write about a personal sexual fantasy.
The sex ed curriculum in question is called OWL — Our Whole Lives: Lifespan Sexuality Education. According to the Unitarian Society of Northampton and Florence, it is a collaboration between the Unitarian Universalist Association, the pro-abortion United Church of Christ, and Planned Parenthood.
Most news articles on the incident failed to mention the curriculum’s connection to Planned Parenthood, which instructed high school children to “choose 3 items (romantic music, candles, massage oil, feather, feather boa, flavored syrup, etc.) to use in your story.”
This is not the first time this high school has faced pushback from parents regarding its sex ed. The same Oregon school had previously given students an assignment called “With Whom Would You Do It?” which included a spinning wheel labeled with sexual acts. Students were instructed to spin the wheel and then write the initials of a classmate with whom they would be willing to perform the sexual activity. This reportedly made some students uncomfortable.
Sexual assignments across the nation
Oregon isn’t the only state to instruct children on how to have sex, encourage them to create and share sexual fantasies with adults and each other, or use Planned Parenthood as a go-to source.
Parents at Sachem High School East in New York said they were shocked this year to see a quiz given to their children regarding their child’s sexual activity and sexual preferences.
At another high school in New York, a student took a photo of a whiteboard that featured a list of sexual acts, including wording that parents found to be “vulgar.”
In Connecticut, parents were outraged when an assignment for eighth graders told them to create a pizza using toppings as metaphors for sexual acts. The pamphlet was given to the 13 and 14-year-old children and stated, “What’s your favorite style of pizza? Your favorite toppings? What are your pizza no-nos? Now mirror these preferences in relation to sex!” It continued, “Here are some examples: Likes: Cheese = Kissing. Dislikes: Olives = Giving oral.”
In Michigan, an assignment asked students about their thoughts on sex including, “Do you like kissing or hugging scenes on TV shows or in the movies?” and “Would you watch an X-rated movie?”
In Massachusetts, sixth and seventh-grade students were given a survey asking about their participation in oral sex and if they are transgender.
In New Jersey, students are expected to define oral and anal sex by the eighth grade.
Grooming children
Many parents see such behavior from adults as the grooming of children for sexual activity — whether for the promotion and normalization of pedophilic behavior or the financial benefit of Planned Parenthood.
One father told the Eugene school board that his daughter completed the sexual fantasy assignment out of fear and that the teacher never gave the assignment back to her.
“Where’s the assignment?” he asked. “Why hasn’t she had it turned back to her with her grade on it? What is he doing with it? Is this for his spank bank? Is he literally using this for his sexual deviance? These are questions that need to be answered.” The father accused the teacher of verbal sexual abuse of every student in the class, and asked why no criminal charges have been filed.
Monica Cline, a former educator for Planned Parenthood, said the corporation’s goal was never to educate children about sex but to encourage it with the use of contraceptives. The end goal is to create abortion customers when their birth control fails.
Cline explained that she was told by Planned Parenthood to accept the idea that children as young as 10 are sexually active — and that if they weren’t, they would be soon. In an interview with the Daily Caller, she explained, “The sex education grooms them for promiscuity. Grooms them for STD treatment, and grooms them for abortion. Teens are being given false ideas that condoms will cover all the bases. They do tell them to get tested and treated – which means coming back to the clinic – and if they are pregnant they are encouraged to get an abortion.”
This new age of sex ed is not created by the typical sources for textbooks in schools. Instead, it’s created by organizations that carry an agenda. These include SIECUS (Sex Ed for Social Change), whose mission is to ensure “all people receive sex education,” Planned Parenthood’s Advocates for Youth (AFY) which advocates for sexual rights for “young people” (which in this video on porn includes children as young as six), and the American Civil Liberties Union, which argues that children of all ages have sexual rights. Planned Parenthood boasts that it is the “single largest provider of sex education in the United States” and that it educates 1.2 million students across 100 school districts. Planned Parenthood believes children are “sexual from birth.”
As previously reported by Live Action News, Planned Parenthood’s AFY pushes casual sex for virtually all ages. AFY connects children to AMAZE, as does the Planned Parenthood-influenced OWL curriculum. AMAZE promotes sex to children, portraying it as normal for them, and uses games — a common grooming tactic of pedophiles — to get kids comfortable with sex. It promotes masturbation “a few times a day” and portrays someone who waits to have sex as a scowling marshmallow. It uses graphic images of cartoon children and adults, blurs the line between healthy adult and child relationships, and promotes transgender ideology to minors.
Live Action’s 2014 undercover investigation SEXED: Planned Parenthood’s Dangerous Sex Advice for Kids, revealed that the abortion giant is working to teach children about sex, including that “stop” doesn’t always mean “stop” during sex, and encourages teens to visit sex shops and pornographic websites. The organization also encourages teens to try BDSM (Bondage Discipline/Domination Submission/Sadism Masochism).
In addition to implementing sex ed in 100 school districts, Planned Parenthood has opened facilities or plans to open facilities in about 50 California schools. In Vermont, it gives condoms to children as young as 11.
“No secondary student will be refused access to condoms through this program,” the Vermont Agency of Education said in a guidance regarding the free condoms. “Minors in Vermont have a legal right to access a full range of reproductive and sexual health services without parent permission. Minors are provided access to condoms in a variety of settings and may purchase them without parental consent.” (emphasis added)
These same children, however, cannot take Tylenol without parental consent.
The latest sex ed scandal out of Oregon is certainly not going to be the last as Planned Parenthood continues its agenda of normalizing the sexualization of children.