
Over 4,000 emails from pro-life advocates hacked

According to the Center for Family & Human Rights (C-Fam), over 4,000 private emails sent by pro-life advocates have been hacked by an undercover investigator and shared with George Soros’ Open Democracy group. The emails and the pro-life groups who sent them will be the subject of a story developed for the Dutch website Investico.

The emails were stolen from a private email group called Agenda Europe, a coalition of pro-life and pro-family groups. Dutch investigative reporter and activist Allart van der Woude, who said his own group is behind the stolen emails, told C-Fam that the emails give “a picture of the think tank [Agenda Europe] and its more than 400 members, which bring together influential people, such as politicians and lawyers, but also Putin affiliates and representatives of groups designated as LGBT-hate groups such as C-Fam and ADF.”

Van der Woude also claimed that in addition to his group, the pro-abortion organizations Dagans ETC (Sweden), Gazet Wyborcza (Poland), and Portal Novosky (Croatia) were also behind the stolen emails. The story regarding the emails will run sometime this week in the Dutch publication De Groene Amsterdammer. It allegedly spreads misinformation about pro-life organizations in an attempt to get them censored.

READ: Group funded by billionaire George Soros goes on attack against pregnancy help centers

Soros has long been a supporter of increased access to abortion. In 2016, the Catholic News Agency (CNA) reported that a “leaked three-year plan for George Soros’ Open Society Foundations” revealed Soros’ support of the successful efforts to legalize abortion in Ireland, and includes support for the future legalization of abortion in Mexico, Zambia, Nigeria, and Tanzania. According to Catholic Vote, Soros-backed groups have also been known to give funding to so-called “Catholic” pro-abortion groups including Catholics for Choice, Catholics United, and Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good.

Pro-life organizations have come under increased attack in recent years. The UK government recently included being “anti-abortion” as one of the benchmarks for potential future terrorism and the United States Department of Justice has targeted peaceful pro-lifers, treating them as though they are terrorists.

The DOJ put a pro-life grandmother in jail for protesting the killing of preborn children. Please take 30-seconds to TELL CONGRESS: STOP THE DOJ FROM TARGETING PRO-LIFE AMERICANS.

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