So who’s up for an “abortion comedy”? The just-released Obvious Child, about a woman seeking an abortion after a one-night stand, bills...
“Are American girls somehow less valuable, or do they deserve less dignity, less worth?” Assemblywoman Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) proffered this question to...
Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy” and American Dad, has stayed true to form with his new cowboy epic, A Million Ways...
According to sources in Great Britain the Turtle Dove has seen a 90%+ decrease in numbers since 1970, and this legendary creature...
My point as a pro-life man is simply this. Every child is innocent. I don’t need any other. I’m not a woman,...
Houston abortionist Douglas Karpen has been stopped from murdering unborn children and injuring women in Texas thanks to provisions of last year’s...
After a conference in Toronto this month, Melinda Gates wrote on the Foundation’s website that because of the controversy around the topic, “the Gates Foundation has...
The latest assault in the war on women comes from the UK, where a judge has forced (via consenting on-behalf-of) a thirteen-year-old pregnant mother...
As Father’s Day approaches, pro-lifers should be aware that there are men out there who are suffering because their partners or former...
Pro-choicers may decry such a claim that pro-life men have a more powerful kind of respect for women than pro-choice men. This...
Live Action president Lila Rose appeared on Fox News’ Hannity this week to discuss the organization’s most recent Planned Parenthood exposé : [youtube...
Florida governor Rick Scott signed a bill into law this morning which bans aborting pre-born children who have reached the age of viability...
BDSM is a big trend, which is no surprise with the booming response 50 Shades of Grey experienced and the highly anticipated upcoming...
Answer: Over a thousand. Last week we learned that Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood, made over half a million dollars...