As I’ve said before, the women in my life have been a pretty heterogeneous bunch. But in spite of their differences, I...
It’s almost unbelievable: LeRoy Carhart has botched another abortion, sending one more maternal victim to the emergency room with what Operation Rescue reports as...
I took the bait. I couldn’t help but open an email with the subject line: “You’re afraid of this pro-choice argument” Afraid?...
A new CNN poll on abortion was released today, demonstrating that Americans widely support abortion restrictions. CNN’s claim that there there is...
LifeNews covered the story of how an Alabama legislator Representative Alan Holmes, claimed that 99% of white people would have an abortion...
On Friday, a judge in the Western District of Wisconsin ruled against a temporary restraining order in a lawsuit brought to stop...
The pro-life movement has, for decades, worked to stop the willful taking of innocent human life: saving the unborn, helping their mothers...
Pro-life and pro-abortion students clashed this week at the University of Georgia. Pro-life students erected a display, hosted by Justice for All,...
Last night, pro-lifers across the state were happy to hear that Greg Abbott won the Republican primary for governor of Texas. Abbott,...
SOUTHLAKE, TX – Embrace Grace has released their new curriculum to support young women with unplanned pregnancies. Written by Embrace Grace cofounder...
Yesterday, the Belgian king signed into law a controversial bill allowing for euthanasia of children. While it seemed unlikely that King Philippe...
Abortion providers like Planned Parenthood insist that abortion does not cause depression, substance abuse, or any kind of mental health trauma. On...
There are moments in our lives that define us–that push us, sometimes kicking and screaming, to be the person we are or...
In the video “Meet the Abortion Providers” a former clinic worker named Kathy Sparks gave her testimony. In a February article, I quoted...