In a recent episode of Parenthood, Drew (who is now in college at Berkeley) encounters his ex-girlfriend – the one who aborted his child...
Karen Bowersox didn’t hesitate when it came to her attention that her granddaughter was having trouble finding clothes that fit. She contacted a...
Lindsay Cochran is young, beautiful, and sweet. She’s also in a wheelchair, thanks to being born with SMA – Spinal Muscular Atrophy....
This January, Americans remembered the tragic Supreme Court case of Roe v. Wade, and how it radically changed America through legalization of abortion on...
Should American taxpayers be forced to fund a practice they find morally repulsive or morally unacceptable in most cases? The issue in...
There are many people who think babies like Christopher are better off not being born. There are those who believe that, because of...
Dr. Ulrich Klopfer is a victim. Did you know that? The Indiana abortionist is the subject of a mean, mean anti-abortion witch...
Just over a week ago, Governor Andrew Cuomo went on a tirade against “extreme conservatives who are right to life,” telling them...
The government in Spain is reevaluating its abortion policies in dramatic ways, with potential impact for good or evil, on generations yet...
By now you’ve probably heard that Sarah Silverman released an offensive video about being visited by “Jesus F***ing Christ.” Silverman is in...
It’s no secret that New York’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, is pro-abortion. And, after his rant on Capitol Pressroom, it’s no secret that...
Coming back from the March for Life is kind of like coming home after a church retreat. But instead of being on...
Wednesday night, the husband and mother of the late Marlise Munoz gave CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360° an exclusive interview chronicling the events that...
The “Kid President,” of YouTube fame, releases periodic speeches to boost the morale of humanity in general. Sometimes, his messages are directed...