Free publicity for America's number-one totally-not-an-abortion corporation.
What is it that makes people think that they have the right to determine the value of a person, or to define...
A special loophole, just for abortion centers.
Maybe a business whose primary function is killing children for convenience is inherently untrustworthy.
From the Committee on Health for the Wisconsin Assembly.
The numbingly ugly truth about abortion in America.
"I used to think of something bad..."
How can pro-aborts call themselves "pro-choice" when they fight so ardently against giving women all of the facts?
In a now-infamous Planned Parenthood video, the organization betrayed its love for abortion-above-all-else when a representative, testifying against language in Florida HB 1129, proudly admitted...
Muddy thinking.
Alive today because of the undying love and affection of his mother.
Is it safe?
Unfinished business.