I am very familiar with stories of babies who have tragically died, whether through natural causes or abortion. These stories can cause...
In imitation of the Christian 40 Days for Life program, Planned Parenthood is embracing its own version of a 40-day prayer, in...
A few days ago, Raw Story released an article titled “Jan Brewer signs abortion ban defining pregnancy before conception.” This headline makes...
If you write for the health section of a prominent website, shouldn’t you have a working knowledge of basic human biology? Apparently...
Emily Rapp is a writer, a devoted mother, and a left-leg amputee who was once a poster child for the March of...
The Teenage Life Club is at it again. In March, they released their “million letters in a month” campaign. The object was to...
I had the most amazing opportunity to spend a few days in Liberia, Africa last year. Liberia is a country in Western...
It was torturous, yet he clung to it. Isn’t it an ironic thing in our human lives (and yes, in our very...
Today, my husband James and I had a life-changing experience. For the first time, we witnessed first-hand the visual presence of our...
This week on the popular Dr. Phil Show, a mother named Annette Corriveau was featured. She's special because she wants the right...
The exit of Rick Santorum from the campaign earlier this week all but assures that Mitt Romney will be the Republican nominee...
It seems like stars are becoming more and more infamous for spreading false information about the abortion giant Planned Parenthood. Even Barack...
A desperate move by one Planned Parenthood clinic to make abortion into something it is not: A local Planned Parenthood abortion business...
Even though Lori Lamerand, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood in Mid and South Michigan, claims that abortions will not be done...