Planned Parenthood called the FBI this week–again. In January, it was supposedly to report an illegal sex trafficking ring, or more realistically,...
Exciting news out of Kansas this week–in addition to its defunding of Planned Parenthood, the state also passed a new law giving...
The following is a press release from Rep. Marlin Stutzman in which is addresses misinformation about the abortion provider defunding bill that...
Mitt Romney has been taking a lot of heat, and deservedly, for his refusal to sign the Susan B. Anthony List‘s 2010...
This week, the Ron Paul Campaign presented the libertarian candidate’s proposals for actions he would take immediately on becoming President to balance...
In his recent article, “The War Against Girls”, in The Wall Street Journal, Jonathan Last reviews Mara Hvistendahl’s Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys...
Ever since the Planned Parenthood Golden Gate affiliate (which brought us the pro-violence-against-pro-lifers cartoon “A Superhero for Choice”) was disowned by PPFA...
Two interesting stories out today about how Planned Parenthood in two states–Indiana and Minnesota–is being forced to download because of losses in...
Today we read in the headlines that the FDA is going to be using a new series of “graphic images” to dissuade...
The Massachusetts state-funded website has come under quite a bit of pressure recently as the site made statements that seemed to...
Each year, thousands of students from across the country participate in pro-life displays on their campuses. Carlos, one of our Live Action...
In his recent article featured on, Tom Brejcha, an attorney for the Thomas More Society, outlined LiveAction’s ongoing battle with Planned...
Q:What percentage of women will have an abortion sometime in their lifetime at current termination rates? A: 30.09% How did we...
Every year on June 19th, African-Americans celebrate “Juneteenth,” the anniversary of the day slavery was abolished in Texas in 1865. Dr. Alveda...