Comedian Dave Chappelle has a new stand-up comedy special on Netflix, and during the show, he takes a moment to call out...
Planned Parenthood and their allies are two things: desperate and deceptive. America’s Abortion Corporation is in the fight of its life —...
Former employee speaks out about “pizza parties” as reward for hitting abortion sales goals Video at Washington, D.C. (February 7, 2017)...
New videos in undercover investigation reveal ultrasounds at Planned Parenthood aren’t available to women wanting to keep their babies Washington, D.C. (January...
Rolling Stone, which has put forth easily debunked pro-abortion points in the past, recently published an interview with Planned Parenthood CEO and president,...
Salon’s Amanda Marcotte recently sat down for a conversation with Planned Parenthood Action Fund’s Alencia Johnson to talk about Planned Parenthood’s strategy for...
Abortion advocates’ attacks on Trump running mate Mike Pence continue, and if they’re starting to sound familiar, there’s a reason for that....
As soon as the Zika outbreak started, abortion activists seized upon it, ready to exploit people’s fear and pain to push for...
In March, Florida enacted a law to ban taxpayer funding for abortion providers such as Planned Parenthood and require abortion facilities to...
Kansas lawmakers approved Sunday evening two new pro-life laws, which now go to pro-life Governor Sam Brownback for his likely signature. The...
On Thursday, the Iowa House Appropriations Committee voted along party lines to eliminate state Medicaid funding for Planned Parenthood or any other...
Today’s lesson in how to distinguish honest and objective advocates from hopeless dogmatists: normally, if somebody gives you a binary choice, it...
In Saturday’s ninth GOP presidential debate, Donald Trump shared just how far his pro-life values go when he expressed his admiration and praise...
Since the release of undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood officials engaging in illegal activity, five states have moved to remove funds from...