Nothing makes pro-aborts happier than exploiting badly phrased statements from their enemies, and this week they found a new comment to freak...
Hopefully by now you have heard of the misleading and deceptively titled “Women’s Health Protection Act of 2013.” My piece from November...
Three guesses, and the first two don't count.
"Choice" trumping our rights.
And it's women who will pay the price either way.
Temper tantrums.
Starting to see a trend here.
Abortion, abortion, abortion at all costs.
Sometimes the only thing these folks do by trying to undermine an argument is strengthen it.
You're a woman only if you're the right kind of woman.
Robin Marty at the pro-abortion blog RH Reality Check attacked pro-life advocates for refusing to accept the definition of pregnancy given by...
Highlighted from the JillStanek blog: RH Reality Check’s Robin Marty writes one of the most unintentionally hilarious sentences ever: The effectiveness of...