A former Planned Parenthood president and vice president of the American Eugenics Society once advocated that if families did not limit births...
Sarah Lockner was allegedly caught stuffing her newborn baby boy down the toilet during her McDonald’s shift on September 4. She’s been...
It’s the 11th hour for Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), Dean Heller (R-NV), and Ron Johnson (R-WI), who have introduced...
A newly discovered 1960’s video produced by Walt Disney Productions promotes “family planning” propaganda as a way to solve overpopulation and enter into...
It’s been hard for me to discuss Charlie Gard. Charlie and my daughter, Sophie, whom I have written and spoken about, are...
Alysia Montano is an Olympic runner who has been amazingly successful at her sport. She is a seven-time United States champion, a...
In the abortion debate, fetal pain is controversial and complicated. When does the developing fetus actually feel or respond to pain? How...
A 13-year-old boy from New Jersey took the Little Big Shots stage by storm on March 26, 2017. Sparsh Shah is a...
In a 2015 report by the European Centre for Law and Justice called “Late Term Abortion & Neonatal Infanticide in Europe,” a...
Aspiring Olympian Sarah Brown caught the public’s attention this year for attempting what seemed an insurmountable and unlikely feat: maintaining her impressive...
Earlier this year, Ohio Governor John Kasich signed into law legislation that stripped Planned Parenthood of the $1.3 million in state funding...
The abortion movement — especially NARAL Pro-Choice America –has been railing against pro-life pregnancy resource centers for women for years. As Calvin Freiburger recently...
(The Daily Signal) The American Medical Association is sticking by its influential report asserting that unborn babies cannot feel pain at 20 weeks,...
Parents have the right to make medical decisions for their children. That is the case for virtually all medical procedures, whether it’s...