Totally preposterous...and a little ironic, too.
Four emergency room visits in five weeks. And that's not all.
The abortion industry: a revolving door of incompetence and danger.
Where is the concern for the woman who lost her life?
A pretty big blessing for the rest of us, too.
A popular publication is horrified to consider that abortion is in fact an act of violence.
What will it take for the people who claim to be working for the health and welfare of women to actually do...
Abortion, abortion, abortion at all costs.
We know where the real war on women is.
Know what you're getting into, and what the money-makers won't tell you.
Do we really have to show why informed consent laws and government-forced abortions are very different?
We are worth more than a free condom or a free prescription.
This is a pretty easy one to figure out.
Women's safety not as important as raking in abortion money.