Kermit Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist featured in the upcoming movie, “Gosnell,” ran what became known as a “house of horrors” where women...
Keisha Marie Atkins, died after a botched late-term abortion she received at Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Keisha, who was...
Research using the body parts of preborn babies who were victims of abortion at the University of New Mexico will end —...
New Mexico Alliance for Life (NMAFL) has released a series of emails it obtained, asserting a cover up in an autopsy report...
Tina Atkins, the mother of a 23-year-old Keisha Atkins, who died from complications during a late-term abortion, is now seeking a wrongful...
In August 2017, Live Action News reported on the death of Kiesha Marie Atkins, who died at age 23 after receiving an...
This past week, Students for Life of America’s Western Regional Director Reagan Barklage shared a post on the SFLA Facebook page, discussing...
University of New Mexico Health Science Center (UNMHSC) pediatrician Dr. Robin Ohls, made infamous by headlines over her work with aborted baby...
Yesterday, the Associated Press reported that the office of New Mexico Attorney General Hector Balderas sent a letter to the Select Investigative...
Despite certain states refusing to investigate or pay little more than lip service to the idea of launching an investigation into certain...
To fight a Texas bill banning one type of abortion, abortionists have been forced to admit the dangers of late-term abortion. Yesterday,...
(LifeSiteNews) A new undercover video shows the staff of one of the country’s most notorious late-term abortion facilities offering to abort a...
A missing comma, an abortionist moonlighting as a professor, and a public university that does research on aborted babies are all relevant...
Last week, the United States House of Representatives voted in favor of a ban on most abortions past 20 weeks, halfway through...