Outrage at Netflix over its decision to stream the film “Cuties” has led to a mass exodus of customers who say the...
A new video from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) once again reveals that abortionists at Planned Parenthood have been committing illegal...
LeRoy Carhart is one of the most notorious abortionists in the U.S., and one of the few who commits abortions very late...
In the push for legalized abortion prior to Roe v. Wade, abortion advocates discussed the “need” for legal abortion, emphasizing the dangers...
“At least one of my [six] abortions was from Planned Parenthood because they didn’t ask any questions.” Those are the words of...
Sandra Merritt, half of the duo that went undercover to expose Planned Parenthood’s role in the trafficking of aborted baby body parts, is...
Presumed Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has selected Senator Kamala Harris as his running mate. NBC News reports: The decision comes more...
Planned Parenthood relied heavily on its political allies to suppress the First Amendment rights of pro-life investigators David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt...
Planned Parenthood of Greater New York is officially disavowing Margaret Sanger, its own founder, over her eugenic beliefs and activism, which have...
One of the abortionists being sued for the 2017 death of Keisha Atkins after a late-term abortion in New Mexico is featured...
Beverly Winikoff, founder of Gynuity Health Projects — the sponsor of controversial abortion pill clinical trials on girls as young as 10...
During her eight years working in the abortion industry, Abby Johnson advanced through the ranks to become director of a Planned Parenthood...
In the past, many late-term abortions were committed by injecting a caustic saline solution into a woman’s uterus. This solution burned the...
Newly obtained documents show that over a dozen elective abortions are being committed daily on babies 20 weeks and older at Southwestern...