To any doctor worthy of the title, all life is incalculably precious.
When is a person not a person?
The world is upside-down.
Abortion never saves a woman's life. It just kills a baby.
For people in this business (and it is foremost a business), money always comes first.
Shouldn't a City Counsel represent everyone in the city?
We won't tolerate discrimination in any walk of life...unless you're in the womb.
What happened to the big tent?
The battle for protecting black lives begins in the womb.
No wonder Planned Parenthood employees aren't allowed to talk about it.
This heroic girl was once a loyal Girl Scout cookie-seller in Boise, Idaho, but that changed one day after a family meeting...
If you write for the health section of a prominent website, shouldn’t you have a working knowledge of basic human biology? Apparently...
Many pro-lifers breathed a sigh of relief back in 2010 when President Obama agreed to sign an Executive Order, purportedly assuring that...