At a recent Senate hearing on abortion access and economic costs, several pro-abortion panelists seemed unwilling to vocalize their support for unrestricted abortion access through all nine months of pregnancy — though that’s exactly what they were there to lobby for.
Caitlyn Myers, professor of economics at Middlebury College, and Dr. Leilah Zahedi-Spung, an OB/GYN, both appeared embarrassed when asked by Senator John Kennedy (R-La.) whether or not they support abortion up to the moment of birth. Both refused to answer his question, with Zahedi-Spung accusing Kennedy of using “inflammatory language.”
“I think that’s… that’s a really hard question to answer because that just doesn’t happen. You’re asking me about something that simply doesn’t happen,” claimed Myers.
And yet, children are indeed aborted well past the time they could survive outside the womb, and for largely non-serious reasons. What’s also interesting is that it seems pro-abortion ideologues get to ask questions of pro-lifers all the time about things that literally never happen (ex: “Which would you save? The embryos in a burning IVF clinic, or a five-year old?“).
Kennedy reiterated his question, noting that the extremist position of abortion without limits is supported by the Democratic party. “So do you support that or oppose it?” he asks.
“I will tell you as a person that I have ambivalence about abortion. I will tell you as a person, I haven’t personally had an abortion, and I will also tell you as a person looking at the evidence around me and understanding how complex the decisions are that people face, I’m just simply uncomfortable thinking that there’s a simple answer,” said Myers.
Recognizing that he wasn’t going to get a clear response, Kennedy then directs his question to Zahedi-Spung.
“Senator, you’re using really inflammatory language to talk about a medical procedure,” she stated. “And it’s not a simple yes or no.” But the killing of an innocent human being is not medicine — and asking whether or not one supports it is in no way inflammatory.
The abortion procedure commonly used during the third trimester is the induction abortion. This is a two-to-three day procedure in which the preborn child is injected with a feticide (often digoxin), which causes the baby to go into cardiac arrest, though it can take 24-hours for the child to die. Labor is then induced and the mother delivers her stillborn baby.
Warning: Graphic images
Like Myers, abortion supporters routinely claim that third-trimester abortions are not committed on healthy babies, but abortionists admit otherwise. In addition, according to the Charlotte Lozier Institute, “the concept of ‘medical necessity’ in the context of late-term abortion is misleading, and many late-term abortions are elective.”
Lozier also references a 2013 study from the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute, which says: “data suggests that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.” (emphasis added)
Both panelists attempted to soften their stance on abortion by countering that it is a complex decision, but in reality, a “successful” abortion results in a dead baby. The remains of children who have been aborted show the aftermath of a death that was tragic and brutal.

Baby Christopher was killed late in pregnancy at a D.C. abortion facility. Photo courtesy of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.

Baby Holly was dismembered by D&E abortion at a Washington D.C. abortion business. Photo courtesy of Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising.
Despite the claims of the abortion supporters, there is no gray area when it comes to abortion. Abortion always results in the death of an innocent human being, and killing an innocent human being is always wrong. Deciding whether or not to support this killing is a simple yes or no question.