
Paterno, Planned Parenthood, and pedophiles: part 2

Hiding pedophile activity is bad for business – but will this heinous activity bury Planned Parenthood?

Guest post by Faith and Meredith Kuzma

Go here to read Part 1 first.

Planned Parenthood has been involved in cover-ups of child sex trafficking in several states, including New Jersey, Virginia, and New York, and in Washington, D.C. In Ohio, Planned Parenthood was charged with failure to report incest, and the abuse went on for a year and a half and involved a second visit to Planned Parenthood. The judge found that Planned Parenthood had violated Ohio’s informed consent laws.

Clinic workers, teachers, and others are required by state law to report child abuse. Although the child in this case informed Planned Parenthood employees, the nation’s most well-known and “trusted” abortion provider failed to report the abuse. According to the child’s attorney, Planned Parenthood “completely ignored her cry for help.” Hurley said that his client was “raped on many occasions over the next one and one-half years.”

Photo credit: Elvert Barnes on Flickr

The assumption is often that the abortionist is protecting female sexual rights. Apparently, Planned Parenthood representatives worry that the victims would not acknowledge the sexual abuse to them if they reported it, as they are legally obligated to do (“Planned”). However, failure to report child abuse is illegal. Even when it means perpetuating sex crimes by not reporting them, Planned Parenthood has proved itself more interested in defending sexualityism than in actually providing the kind of care that the women who come to them need.

The highest priority in a society is always the protection of children. Politicians, pro-abortion lobbyists, and the media fall in line with Planned Parenthood’s silent promotion of sexualityism, thereby indirectly colluding with the abortion giant’s refusal to inform authorities when they learn of pedophiles and child molesters.

Other states where Planned Parenthood has covered up statutory rape of children include Alabama, Washington, New Hampshire, and Kansas. Drawing their wagons into cooperative business and political arrangements sometimes called abortion cartels, “Planned Parenthood and the National Abortion Federation have made a conscious decision to conceal the sexual exploitation of children and protect the men who commit these crimes.” Rather than playing its much-celebrated role of journalistic watchdog, contemporary mainstream media has been complicit by not investigating this scandal – preferring instead to close ranks with the abortion providers. Americans continue to be presented with the unblemished visage of Planned Parenthood as presented by the mainstream media and political figures as powerful as the president.

Since Americans do not generally turn a blind eye to pedophile activity, the stonewalling mainstream media can rightly be called to account for its refusal to scrutinize Planned Parenthood. And this despite recent calls to investigate the abortion giant. An attorney who has worked in Arizona with the state’s Right to Life organization commented: “The pattern of abuse of underage children is widespread and knows no geographical boundaries.”

Because the cover-up is so widespread and entrenched in the culture of Planned Parenthood, Americans are dealing with an icon of our modern era. To recognize that failing to report the actions of sexual predators is not just the crime of one football coach, one athletic program, or one university, Americans need to realize that not reporting pedophile activity represents a systematic (not isolated) problem within Planned Parenthood. This should warrant the full disclosure of how covering up sex crimes occurs at Planned Parenthood.

Of course, to avoid that, Planned Parenthood has done and will do everything in its power to block investigations. In Kansas, for instance, records were destroyed, trial was delayed, and counter-accusations were directed at the prosecutor, Phil Kline. Although he was cleared of all wrongdoing, Phil Kline’s career has suffered. After a new prosecutor was elected, the investigation was essentially dropped, effectively shielding Planned Parenthood from further public scrutiny.

In our current culture, there is a reluctance to look too closely at the problems with Planned Parenthood. After all, Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, along with other “reproductive rights” leaders, has been heralded as achieving success for women. In 2008, despite her connections to eugenics, Sanger was featured in a 2008 Smithsonian exhibit (Ertelt). Such celebrations of “progress” for women make it almost inevitable that Planned Parenthood’s troubling practice of effectively ignoring the sexual abuse of minors will be concealed. In fact, despite the recurrence of these problems, most Americans have no idea that Planned Parenthood routinely fails to report the sex abuse of children.

Not only politically speaking, but legally and rhetorically speaking as well, there is such a powerful multi-layered zone defense around Planned Parenthood that peaceful protesters have been arrested for stepping across an abortion clinic’s property line to provide information to women about the negative effects of abortion. For Americans – who don’t like mixing politics and religion anyway – the incessant labeling of abortion protesters as “fanatics” suggests that only extremists question activities at abortion clinics. Together with the nonstop mainstream media presentation of Planned Parenthood as the superhero in the fight for women’s “reproductive rights,” this name-calling hampers the normally undaunted American interest in safeguarding minors.

Far from being an untarnished defender of women’s health, Planned Parenthood partners with sexual abusers. Recent undercover investigations have exposed the fact that protecting sex crimes has become business as usual at Planned Parenthood. As a result, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, observes that the ever-present defensive zone around Planned Parenthood is tightening: “Now that Planned Parenthood is vulnerable and almost hysterical with panic, liberals are circling the wagons, understanding that any more slip-ups could mean the end of their federal gravy train.” In 2010, that gravy train amounted to $487.4 million in government revenue, or $1.3 million per day (Government). Most Americans are not aware that the amount of federal funding for the abortion mega-store Planned Parenthood is so high, and they would be especially alarmed to know that tax dollars are going to an organization that hides pedophile activity.

Despite the reluctance of most Americans to talk about religion and politics – let alone trespass on what has been declared the inviolable “reproductive rights” of women – the abuse of minors has gone on long enough to invite a class-action suit. Americans may value an ideal of women’s reproductive freedom, but they also dislike the self-protective business model seen at Planned Parenthood clinics. In spite of its well-fortified position, such egregious problems as covering up child molestation will sound the game-ending whistle for the abortion mega-mart. Americans do not seek sexualityism at any cost, and once news gets out, Americans will not abide the widespread protection of pedophiles.

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