CONTENT WARNING: This article contains graphic photos of violence below .
A woman whose job includes examining aborted babies has taken pictures of some of the babies killed in the hospital where she works.
Gahra Jenkins (a pseudonym) is a Pathologist Assistant at a hospital (the name and location of which I am withholding to protect her identity) where she helps the pathologist examine tissue. She has worked at the hospital since May 2014.
In Jenkin’s own words:
I’m a “Pathologist Assistant” (which requires a master’s degree from a NAACLS accredited program in Pathology). I assist the Pathologist in both surgical pathology and autopsy pathology. My main duties are performed within the Gross Pathology laboratory (sometimes grouped in with the Histology department) and there we receive specimens from the OR, sometime ER, and from out-patient services. I take these specimens, examine and describe them grossly/MACROscopically and submit the most pathologically diagnostic portion of that specimen for the Pathologist to look at MICROscopically in order to make a diagnosis.
Some of the ‘specimens’ Jenkins examines are the bodies of aborted babies.
Although the vast majority of abortions take place in outpatient facilities set up for that purpose, 4% of all abortions are performed in hospitals that offer a range of services. Jenkins’ hospital is one of these. On average, she is called upon to examine three aborted babies every other week. While this is a small number compared to how many can be done in a busy abortion facility, each of these children is a unique individual whose life has been destroyed through terrible violence. Jenkins estimates that she has examined babies as far along as 12 weeks.
Below are some pictures Jenkins took of the victims of abortion at her hospital. All these abortions were done by the suction abortion method. (See diagram following pictures.)
Jenkins says:
Parts are most recognizable between the 8th and 12th week mark. Since the preferred termination procedure is D&C with suction, the best way I can describe what I see are dismembered hands, arms, legs with feet, sometimes a rib cage, hip bone etc. I also tell people that it looks like someone put a baby into a blender.
In a suction D&C, or suction abortion, the cervix (opening to the woman’s womb which closes to protects the baby) is stretched open by metal rods and a suction cannula attached to a tube is inserted into the women’s uterus. Attached to the other end of the tube is a suction machine, which generates force that pulls apart the preborn baby and sucks the pieces through the tubing into a small glass jar. These are the parts that are sent to the pathologist to be examined.
The diagram below shows the procedure:
On their website, the nation’s biggest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, describes a suction abortion this way:
Either a hand-held suction device or a suction machine gently empties your uterus. Sometimes, an instrument called a curette is used to remove any remaining tissue that lines the uterus. It may also be used to check that the uterus is empty.
As you can see above, this ‘gentle emptying’ is not so gentle on the baby.