(ChristinaBennett.com) As a Black, female, Pro-life activist, I have observed that both sides of the abortion debate have made a priority of appealing to Black women.
Abortion supporters argue that poor, Black women need abortions to graduate from high school or go to college; and Black publications make the claim that abortion saves Black women’s lives. Pro-abortion rhetoric asserts that rich, old, white men want to control poor, young, Black women’s bodies. These ideas are false, but abortion supporters use these narratives to convince Black women that abortion is a Black woman’s cause. They believe that by assigning the Black Woman to an intersectional victimhood group, She can be manipulated on mass.
On the other hand, the pro-life movement is exposing the truth: the abortion industry is in large part fueled by racist motivations that serve to disenfranchise Black communities. Websites like BlackGenocide.com demonstrate that Black women are targeted for abortions in a scheme to reduce the Black population. BlackGenocide.com and other Pro-life websites reveal that eugenics has been at the heart of the abortion movement; long before Roe v. Wade, and still continuing today.
How the abortion movement uniquely affects Black women and the Black community is a worthwhile issue for study and discussion. While there are racists facets of the abortion movement in America, the core evil of abortion is not that it disproportionally targets Black women and babies.
We need to be mindful that even if abortion did not decimate the Black population, abortion is still a vicious, colorblind evil that props up other corruptions like adultery, human trafficking, incest, rape, and other sexually deviant behaviors among all racial communities. Abortion has a gross negative output in society, regardless of race, and ought to be abolished. Still, Black women have been a direct target of the abortion agenda through deceptive posturing which cloaks the “Peculiar Institution” of abortion as “charity” for minorities, hiding its true colors: a for-profit killing enterprise which targets the most vulnerable amongst us.
Planned Parenthood and NARAL love to plaster Black women across their campaigns like war paint. They release Black-women like chess pawns as if displaying that Black women are on their side means that they are doing something good. All the while, they are using us for the harvest in their trade market of infant pieces, and the image of a smiling Black woman masks the fact that her children are still being bought and sold in America.
Do not fall for their trap. When you see imagery of Black women shouting their abortion, know that the abortion industry is selling a lie. This deceptive propaganda machine conceals the practice of eugenics, the reaping of baby organs, the repeat customer base of pimps and underage girls, and the billion-dollar empire that profiteers off of women’s crises.
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“Be not afraid of their faces.” Jeremiah 1:8a“For man looketh upon the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.” 1 Sam. 16:7b
It’s time to look past the war paint and take stock of arms. Truly, the abortion debate is not about race, but about humanity. When two haploid cells come together to form a unique, distinct, and unrepeatable sequence of 46 chromosomes with all attributable signs of human life—whether red, yellow, black, or white—this new being is a person. And if all people are equally protected under the law, the unborn individual ought to be as well. It’s important that we keep this fact in the forefront of our mission. How abortion affects a particular ethnic group is a peripheral matter.
“Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.” Proverbs 26:4-5
Understand that although the intersectional game is a tactic, it is a tactic that Pro-life activists need to selectively engage in to stay relevant. I encourage my Black sisters to recognize our unique ability to dismantle and undo the vile narratives of the abortion industry. The enemy tribe responds to war paint, so I stand on the front lines, as a Black, Pro-life woman fighting for a godly cause.
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published at ChristinaBennett.com and is reprinted here with permission.
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