Last week, Live Action News reported on House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s interview with Roll Call, in which the pro-abortion Democrat leader angered her allies at NARAL by claiming she did not “believe in abortion on demand” or “that abortion is a form of birth control or contraception.”
However, as that dispute fades, another aspect of of the interview is receiving attention for the former Speaker’s attack on the Center for Medical Progress’s undercover video investigation of Planned Parenthood.
Pelosi called the House investigations sparked by CMP’s efforts “‘the Select Committee to Hurt Women’s Health,” insisting the videos were “doctored.” But when interviewer Melinda Henneberger noted that the analysis Planned Parenthood itself commissioned actually found the videos were not deceptively edited, Pelosi stood by her insistence otherwise.
“I did not sit down and watch their doctored versions of what may have happened, and I still say they’re doctored,” she said, admitting she only watched news coverage of the videos, rather than the full videos themselves.
The Planned Parenthood-commissioned analysis is actually one of two which have been conducted on the CMP videos, the other of which was commissioned by the pro-life and religious liberty group Alliance Defending Freedom. Both confirm that the footage has not been edited in misleading ways.
Many leading pro-abortion politicians, including Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, and even President Barack Obama, have refused to watch the videos despite vigorously claiming Planned Parenthood is the innocent victim of a smear campaign.