Sheila Black has X-linked hypophosphatemia (XLH), as do two of her children. XLH hinders phosphorus absorption, producing soft bones and teeth along with shortened stature. In a recent New York Times op-ed, Black talked about what it meant to have passed the condition on to her children. Her son’s verdict? “I am sometimes bitter about being so short, and about the pain, but I am very glad to be alive.” Clearly, Black’s son values his life.
Others don’t.
Abortion advocates often have a blunt message for people with disabilities: you’re worthless. Richard Dawkins conveyed it two years ago over Twitter. When asked what a woman should do if she learned her baby had Down Syndrome, Dawkins declared, “Abort it and try again. It would be immoral to bring it into the world if you have the choice.”
In the video below, you can listen to a number of people with Down Syndrome; none say their life is immoral. When asked if she wishes she didn’t have Down Syndrome, one responds, “No. Why? It’s just me, it’s part of me.”
Those with Down Syndrome aren’t the only ones targeted; people with all sorts of disabilities are too. That gets even more disturbing when you look at what happens to them.
For abortions done between thirteen and twenty-four weeks, a technique called dilation and evacuation (D&E) is used. Dr. Anthony Levatino is an obstetrician-gynecologist who once performed over twelve hundred abortions, and he explains what a D&E involves. As he does, keep in mind that there’s evidence a baby can feel pain at twenty weeks:
After the amniotic fluid is removed, the abortionist uses a sopher clamp — a grasping instrument with rows of sharp “teeth” — to grasp and pull the baby’s arms and legs, tearing the limbs from the child’s body.
The abortionist continues to grasp intestines, spine, heart, lungs, and any other limbs or body parts. The most difficult part of the procedure is usually finding, grasping and crushing the baby’s head.
After removing pieces of the child’s skull, the abortionist uses a curette to scrape the uterus and remove the placenta and any remaining parts of the baby.
Meanwhile, third trimester abortions employ a method known as induction:
Day 1: To help ensure the baby will be delivered dead and not alive, the abortionist uses a large needle to inject digoxin or potassium chloride through the woman’s abdomen or vagina, targeting the baby’s heart, torso, or head. When the digoxin takes effect, the lethal dose causes a fatal cardiac arrest, and the baby’s life will end. (Even if the needle misses the baby, digoxin can still kill the baby when released into the amniotic sack, but will usually take longer to kill the child.)
During the same visit, the abortionist inserts multiple laminaria sticks, or sterilized seaweed, to open up the woman’s cervix.
Day 2: The abortionist replaces the laminaria and may perform a second ultrasound to ensure that the baby is dead. If the child is still alive, the abortionist administers a second lethal dose of digoxin or potassium chloride. During this visit, the abortionist may administer labor-inducing drugs.
The woman goes back to where she is staying while her cervix continues to dilate. The woman will usually wait a period of two to four days for her cervix to dilate enough for her to deliver the dead baby.
Day 3 or 4: The woman returns to the clinic to deliver her dead baby. If she goes into labor before she can make it to the abortion clinic in time, she will deliver her baby at home or in a hotel room. During this time, a woman may be advised to sit on a bathroom toilet until the abortionist arrives. If she can make it to the clinic, she will do so during her most heavy and severe contractions and deliver the dead baby.
In Wilkerson v. Utah, the Supreme Court said dismemberment would amount to “cruel and unusual punishment” for a convicted murderer. For disabled children, it’s the norm. If you don’t think kids should get the death penalty for being different, then support laws to protect them.
Regarding how XLH impacts her, Black’s daughter said, “It has made me not fit in, but it has taught me empathy.” That’s something abortion advocates continue to lack.